Not for all the other residents of Portsmouth, wonder why this bug picked on them
Not for all the other residents of Portsmouth, wonder why this bug picked on them
Obviously part of the bbc cutbacks, portsmouth first wonder who will be second
How's the hair
The plugin uses the BBC URL BBC Weather | Portsmouth to get the data (348 = Portsmouth) if you follow that link you'll see that the weather summary is N/A on this. You'll need to contact the BBC to ask why.
For my location BBC Weather | Skipton you'll see that the weather summary is completed.
The plugin parses this file and interprets the summary and assigns a weather image to it from C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\skin\<skin>\Media\Weather\128x128 (and 64x64) - and there is an na.png image file in there which the plugin should set when the summary is N/A but for some reason I set a value of 99.png
So I can fix that. In the meantime you can copy na.png to 99.png in those folders to display the N/A image.
Hi all,
Great plugin.......and good to have at the moment due to MP's weather feed problems.
I've tweaked the XML for MAYA (1366x768) under MP 1.2.1. See attached.
@ramyad, I'm sure I had this problem before and I know it sounds odd but I'm sure a restart of the PC sorted it out for me.