Plugin Creation (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
December 20, 2004
Hong Kong
I want to start development on a plugin to download Shoutcast .pls files automatically according to criteria provided.
However my question is that, has the method of creating plugins changed since I followed the example for creating a plugin in the pdf located in the documentation section of the site but to no avail been able to get my plugin to interact with media portal. Maybe I'm doing something wrong can anyone guide me in what I might be doing wrong? Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Portal Pro
August 16, 2004
Fribourg (CH)
Hi Juvinious,

and welcome to MediaPortal :)

juvinious said:
I followed the example for creating a plugin in the pdf located in the documentation section of the site but to no avail been able to get my plugin to interact with media portal.

We need more details to help you:

Does the plugin appear in MP Configuration?
Does anything appear in MP itself?

If you post some details, I'm sure somebody can help you!




Retired Team Member
  • Premium Supporter
  • May 13, 2004
    the Netherlands
    The pdf is probably a bit outdated. The code structure of MP changed around the release. But the ISetupform interface is still used as it was before, so it should not be that hard to get it working.

    Make sure you check the log file for errors and if you are still having problem try posting some more details about the exact problems you are having.


    Portal Member
    December 20, 2004
    Hong Kong
    Thanks for the replies here was the problems I was encountering.
    Following the PDF, unless I was doing something wrong, it says to add reference to guilib. Well when I go to add that it doesn't come up. Maybe I was doing something wrong so I went back and redid the steps over several times. Regardless of that, I looked at other plugins and used the common references that they utilized and added them to my plugin. I eventually got my plugin to compile with no errors. I added my .dll to the plugin directory and started media portal but it didn't show up in the configuration. I am assuming since the directory structure changed to the individual folders now in /plugins and so I attempted to move it from folder to folder seeing if it would show up in configuration. Still nothing, I'm completely at a stand still as to what to do.
    If I can't get this to work I'll just have to write the program as a standalone app and have it run as a service on my HTPC.
    Thanks again for your help.


    Portal Pro
    August 25, 2004
    Melbourne, Australia
    yes the plugin tutorial is old in that frodo has combined a lot of the previous seperate dlls into one dll. GuiLib has been combined into core.dll.

    If your plugin is not showing up in the configuration, have you put it in the plugins/process or plugins/windows folder? It should show up, if not, have you implemented the ISetupForm interface and is your plugin a class library (dll file)?

    If you don't mind, its easier to solve this problem if you post the code of your plugin so far.



    Portal Pro
    August 25, 2004
    Melbourne, Australia
    I just had a look at MP - you're right, none of the custom plugins appear on the plugins list in configuration. Only the MP ones do... I'm going to have a look at this when I get time.

    However, the plugin does get loaded in MP.



    Portal Member
    December 20, 2004
    Hong Kong
    Thanks for the help sam, I'm still working with it I'll figure how to get it to come up along the way hopefully.
    I also came across this:, a meedio yahoo launch video importer. The code is available in VB and I've been thumbing through it. Very straight forwardII might as well create a plugin for this alsol as this would be very usefull including the shoutcast pls importer I'm working on.


    Portal Pro
    August 25, 2004
    Melbourne, Australia
    juvinious said:
    Thanks for the help sam, I'm still working with it I'll figure how to get it to come up along the way hopefully.
    I also came across this:, a meedio yahoo launch video importer. The code is available in VB and I've been thumbing through it. Very straight forwardII might as well create a plugin for this alsol as this would be very usefull including the shoutcast pls importer I'm working on.

    That would be great! Its the one feature from myHTPC/Meedio that I miss in MP. I can try to help with VB.NET problems if you need help.


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