@kiwijunglist thank you very much.
@m3rcury оnce again, I bring you my apologies. And I'm waiting for advice on how to fix them drop media portal.
Another question: i have setup mpsync to sync dbs from server to clients and checked the "sync watched status". now if ill watch an series/movie on the client, next sync the watched status is reset.
Is it possible to sync watched status back to server, so all clients have the same watched status?
Or should ill go with follow it?
Hey m3rcury.
It seems you are right. I had to wait a little bit longer.
Have now set the intervall to 10 seconds.
Is it possible that mpsync sync imidiattly at start of MP and on exit of MP?
I always closing MP with my remote and just press the PowerOff (shutdown) button.
So MPSYNC has no time to sync.
So ill think the best will be a forced sync on MP start.
Can you please add this feature?