[Plugin] MyChitChat - Jabber IM Chat (MUC/IRC/AIM/GG/GTalk/ICQ/MSN/QQ/SMS/email) (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
June 3, 2010
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Re: [Release] MyChitChat - Jabber IM Plugin (MUC/IRC/AIM/GG/GTalk/ICQ/MSN/QQ/SMS/emai

I have the same problem but I want to have contacts with "GG" did transport "GG" I have contacts in the program is all about but the plugin does not display only those with Jaber.


Portal Pro
February 15, 2007
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AW: [Release] MyChitChat - Jabber IM Plugin (MUC/IRC/AIM/GG/GTalk/ICQ/MSN/QQ/SMS/emai

I hope this wasn't a bug report becaus I will NEVER be able to fix it ;)

Edit: Nevermind, now it's english...

You need to register with the GG-Tranport (gg.aqq.eu) beforehand!
Look up the Server' Transport list within the desktop client (i.e. Miranda IM) and register the GaduGadu Transport. Once you did this your Jabber Account will be connected to this Network and your GG-Contacts should pop up...

See Miranda IM documentation for further details.


This applies to all non-Jabber transports! It's basically the same for each and every Legacy Network... I recommend getting a desktop Client like miranda first then try to set up your contact List there. Before you did this the plugin won't be of any use to you.


PS: just please give the help Links a go and read up on jabber and Transports a little, as i won't have the time to explain all of this to People totally new to jabber/xmpp. But if you give a go and try Thing for your self a Bit you'll get to it real quick ;)
PS2: i heard of the xmpp Protocol like One month before - so it's Not that hard


Portal Pro
February 15, 2007
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AW: [Release] MyChitChat - Jabber IM Plugin (MUC/IRC/AIM/GG/GTalk/ICQ/MSN/QQ/SMS/emai

Hi there again guys,

to anyone who isn't able to see his contacts in the plugin: Did you try uploading/syncing your Contact list with the Jabber server?

If yes, please make sure that any of these contacts was online at the time you ran MyChitChat or try hitting "F9" and select to show all contacts online and offline as well.

If there are still no contacts schowing up, please provide logfiles - otherwise I really have no way to figure out if it's a plugin error or configuration error...




Portal Pro
March 30, 2008
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AW: [Release] MyChitChat - Jabber IM Plugin (MUC/IRC/AIM/GG/GTalk/ICQ/MSN/QQ/SMS/emai

Antrhax, can you make a zip? the New installer runs not under 1.02 Mediaportal.

thx for your Work & sorry for my very bad english^^


Portal Pro
February 15, 2007
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AW: [Release] MyChitChat - Jabber IM Plugin (MUC/IRC/AIM/GG/GTalk/ICQ/MSN/QQ/SMS/emai

hi hellboy_666,

I plan to release 0.9.1 (Beta) later today anyway and will provide an additional .zip-file with the new version.
But be warned this plugin is build against the latest Releas Candidates of MediaPortal 1.1.0 and I'm not sure it'll work with older versions...

so please try for yourself as soon as the new version hits the streets and let me know if it works.




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October 17, 2009
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Re: [Release] MyChitChat - Jabber IM Plugin (MUC/IRC/AIM/GG/GTalk/ICQ/MSN/QQ/SMS/emai

This is a really neat plug-in.
Just a couple issues I'm having.
)I can't seem to navigate around the main plugin screen with the arrow keys properly. If I'm scrolling through my contact list I can't access the buttons to scroll the event log up or down without using the mouse.

2) I have my MSN account set up through jabber, and it all works well, the only problem I see is that everytime I leave the main plug-in screen my contact list disappears. I have to choose "show all contacts" to get them back. Or if someone messages me they come back. also, when I choose "show all contacts" from the context menu it pops up the twice keyboard immediately after.

3) last thing is that all the pop-up alerts get displayed twice.


Portal Pro
February 15, 2007
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AW: Re: [Release] MyChitChat - Jabber IM Plugin (MUC/IRC/AIM/GG/GTalk/ICQ/MSN/QQ/SMS/

Hello JDM_DSM,

thank you very much for your feedback.

1) That is fixed in the latest SVN - will be released soon...
2) I'll file this a new issue und try to slipstream it into the next release (this is bothering me as well ;-) )
3) I'll look into it - but I'm not able to reproduce this behaviour on my setup.



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    Re: [Release] MyChitChat - Jabber IM Plugin (MUC/IRC/AIM/GG/GTalk/ICQ/MSN/QQ/SMS/emai

    twice popups for me too. Sorry, no logs for now.
    Some reuests:
    1) is it possible to add button "reply" in popup notifications?
    2) can you add jabber conferences support?


    Portal Pro
    February 15, 2007
    pretty much in the center
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    Germany Germany
    AW: [Release] MyChitChat - Jabber IM Plugin (MUC/IRC/AIM/GG/GTalk/ICQ/MSN/QQ/SMS/emai

    Hello Everybody,

    almost one year later I'm glad to finally release the release candidate for version 1.0.0!

    It's been quite a ride ;-)

    See first post...


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