[Plugin] WOL-PowerManager (4 Viewers)


Portal Pro
June 22, 2009
Home Country
Belgium Belgium
@seppi2204 : on my case all firewall are disabled and ping doesn't work correctly (see my previous post)


Portal Pro
June 22, 2009
Home Country
Belgium Belgium
Hi all,

As I'm a bit curious, I finally take a bit of my time to check how work this plugin. Thank you to share the code, it's very useful to understand the plugin!

I compiled the plugin by myself to add some information into the log to understand why I've got DNS error messages and why sometimes MP stay blocked if the server can't be reached.

I found 2 problems in the code :

1) The "UseIPInsteadDNS" settings is only used when the plugin check periodically the state of the server. When UseIPInsteadDNS is On, the ping is done only with IP adress.
When the plugin call the ping from other routine, it doesn't make any difference if UseIPInsteadDNS is on or not and use only DNS server name and also call a routine to check if the ip of this DNS has changed. That's why we received DNS errors.

2) In the wait routine, there's a bug when the plugin check the delay into the while loop. It check only the seconds! If the while loop is started at eg : 55sec it never reached the default 20sec because it substract nowtime with 55sec and we get a negative number. That's what block MP in my case (and sometimes not! depending when you try entering the window). The while loop never ended.

I made correction into the code to solve these problems. Hereby you'll find a corrected plugin dll based on last available version on google.code project. If someone want to test this version, just make a backup copy of the original one and place this corrected one into the right folder. This forum doesn't like .dll file, so the file is on a zip.

@seppi2204 : I also attach the corrected source file to show you in details what I've changed. All my modification are commented, just make a file compare to see where I made some changes. I hope that it's not a problem for you if I post a corrected dll. It's open source project :D If it is a problem, just tell me and I'll remove it and other guys will wait your next release.


  • WOLPowerManagerDLLFile.zip
    140.9 KB
  • WOLPowerManagerCSFile.zip
    5.4 KB
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Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • November 12, 2007
    Home Country
    France France
    Hi m8,

    You are really welcome to fix issues :)
    I didn't use this plugins but hope that solve issue for other :)
    Thanks to share your debugging / finding / explanation etc. and the source diff and dll :p



    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • November 12, 2007
    Home Country
    France France
    I have just edit your post to reupload the source zip file otherwise, i can't not download it :)


    Portal Pro
    December 8, 2010
    Home Country
    Germany Germany


    Portal Pro
    May 23, 2010
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Does the plugin work with 1.9?
    I am just asking because somehow the configuration is not saved when closing MePo Configuration.
    I mean, i can´t change or add or update anything within the plugin.
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    Portal Pro
    May 23, 2010
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    which i guess makes this plugin deprecated.
    Hi, i disagree. I would be great to get this plugin work in 1.9 because i have all my films/series on a seperate server and i would like to wake this server up only if needed.
    My TV-Server shuts down (goes asleep) if i am watching movies. If I switch back to TV, it would be great if the server gets a WOL-Command to wake up, as your plugin supposed to do.
    I would really appreciate if the plugin would work with 1.9
    Thanks in advance at seppi2004 if you make this effort.
    (At the moment it works in 1.9 with the "old parameters" but no changes can be done / updated / saved as I described in me latest post)
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