Plugins for Mediaportal Important! (2 Viewers)


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  • January 31, 2005
    South of France
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    France France
    It was supposed to be a (pleasant) surprise. To much communication will often revel surprises ;)
    Of course, I can understand that. :)
    btw, I have never revealed something "secret".
    Yes, B3 have more effects than B2 (but, you can generate new effects on each skins).
    This is MP dev code defined.
    Try Xface with rotatey, it works. :D
    Problem is that now, for correct MPI, we have to include at least B3 and B3w skins in plugins without information before. :(


    Portal Pro
    September 3, 2008
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    Apart from revealing the new default skin looks, there should be communication about the new possibilities. That said, I can imagine more effort is put in the new MP2 skin engine documentation.
    I do agree with fforde that the plugin should provide default skinfiles. I try to make the default 4x3 skin files work smooth with B3 and B2, but also stay as close as possible to the default 16x9 skin files.


    Retired Team Member
  • Premium Supporter
  • January 7, 2005
    Apart from revealing the new default skin looks, there should be communication about the new possibilities. That said, I can imagine more effort is put in the new MP2 skin engine documentation.
    I do agree with fforde that the plugin should provide default skinfiles. I try to make the default 4x3 skin files work smooth with B3 and B2, but also stay as close as possible to the default 16x9 skin files.

    B2 is not used / supported anymore. So the default skins are B3 and B3W (16:9 version of B3).


    Portal Pro
    September 3, 2008
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    I know, but since not everyone follows RC releases I could asume there are a lot of people stil on 0.2.x, thus still on B2 ;-)
    When 1.0 is released I will work only on B3 (movingpictures support that is, not the whole skin... :D )

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