Power amplifier for HTPC project (1 Viewer)


Nisse Q

I'm thinking of building an HTPC with built in power amplifier. As all the "pre amp stuff" is already in the PC, I can get rid of one device, and one remote, by only connecting a power amp to the PC.

I can't however find simple 5.1-power amp at a reasonable price. All power amps ar extreme high end devices, at extreme prices. I would prefer a power amp module, without any controls, that I can build into my HTPC, to get a true one piece solution.

Does anyone know where I can find such a device in Europe?


Portal Member
April 24, 2005
Adelaide, South Australia
Sounds like a great idea to me. Sorry, I can't offer much advice here but will follow the thread to see how it's done for when I want to do it ;-)

I've come up with an idea for a custom case that includes the sub in the middle and am wondering about the feasability. Next on my list after that would be bluwetooth satelite speakers ;-)




Portal Member
January 9, 2005
Why such a complex solution? Unless you already have the speakers you can use a set of computers speakers that will include all the amplififiers you need. I guees you will find a lot a choice at all prices. The following one is very nice:

http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16836119106 (It's just an example)

If you really want to include an amplifier in your PC the cheapest (and most efficient) solution is certainly to buy a normal amplifier to throw away the case in which it was and to try to put the components in your PC case...

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