[Approved] Powerscheduler network monitoring (share + traffic) (2 Viewers)


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  • August 20, 2007
    How do you plan to wake it up? (user perspective)

    Enter MyTV -> DialogWindow: "Your TV-Server is currently not online, do you want to try to wake it up from stanby? Yes/No"

    I think that users which store all their media on the server would even need a "wake up" option when you start up the HTPC.
    i.e. Config option "wake up server when MediaPortal starts" and/or button inside the homemenu. :)

    Hi, sorry to jump in here (was searching for infos in the forum); From user perspective I can give some additional feedback:
    1.) TV server: I agree, this module currently has to be up whenever a MP client is used (because of the "hanging" otherwise).
    2.) File/mediastorage: Might be on the same machine, but many people (so I do) use NAS boxes. they only need wakeup, if the respective media needs to be accessed.
    Todays solution without help of MP:
    I use hibernatetrigger plus windows autostart to wake up the tv server whenever any client is either started or coming from S3 resume. This works via a script sending WoL Magic Packages to all required machines (here the TV server plus a NAS box for media)
    Additional request would be to add an option to wake up other machines as well (simple solution - should be easy with some additonal lines of code)
    An advanced solution would be to add a WakeOnLan command whenever a remotestorage is accessed (in gplayer?) plus a configurable sleeptimer (e.g. my NAS needs approx 2 seconds to be responsible on TCP stack)
    The big advantage of the advanced solution would be, that mediastorage only will start if mediastorage is used inside MP. E.g. it will stay in S3 when only watching TV, thus not started just if MP is "only running".
    I am currently trying to evaluate this solution manually by launching the WOL-script just before the movie is started (myfilms allows to run script in the movielauncher process) - but this does not help in the native MP environment.
    I am not a programmer/coder, so I don't know anything about MPs implementation, but maybe there is a location/class, where all UNC-Accesses are handled. If this is the case, solution would be a simple array with 3 rows (name, mac, WOL-sleep timer) that could be made persistent in the configuration file and checked whenever MP accesses the destination. Ehenever sleeptimer is "0" no WOL will be sent to mac destination and no delay appears in UNC-access.
    regards, Guzzi

    Hi JBravo,
    after having this patch finished and having WOL for TV available - do you see any chance to integrate your WOL Code in the other sections (Music, Video, Pictures)?
    It would require same configuration as for TV - maybe add a configurable waittimer to tweak the time until nas is up.
    Should then be launched whenever the section is opened in MP (makes it easier and more foolproof).
    If this would be feasable, please move this post to an according thread, otherwise feel free to delete it.
    Thanks for your work, Guzzi

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