Prison Break last episode in NZ last night (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
June 11, 2005
New Zealand
AGGGGGGGGGHHHHHH! why lord, why????

Last night was the last episode of the first series of Prison Break here in New Zealand, and I check my recorded tv folder today, and it didnt record!!! for the first time ever!!

i set my pvr scheduler to record as usual, but had to go out and wasnt in to make sure it worked ok.
Now, the only thing i can think of is that i stupidly did windows xp update just before it.
Its all working fine now i think, but I am hoping some kind person out here in Aotearoa has recorded it on their MP system and can kindly make me a copy on DVD. i will obviously pay postage or come and collect from Auckland CBD ( i got in trouble with the missus for not taking the precaution of setting the VCR just in case!), and trade some blank DVDs for your trouble.

I have all the other episodes in really good quality MPG format, most with ads cut out so far which i can trade with the person if they have missed any episodes (just dont ask for all of them just yet as its taking me ages to go through and delete the ads).

So, please, anyone, if you did record the last episode last night and can find it in your heart, to avoid me getting a divorce, please let me know if you can make a copy for me, i would be most gratefull (so will the missus.



Retired Team Member
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  • February 16, 2005
    doesn't that suck. It always seems to be a show the other half is a big fan of too.

    I've had this a few times (and even excuses like power failures or program changes aren't enough to get MP back in the good books) and the only thing for it is to becomea pirate and download the show from a torrent site (hypothetically ;-) )


    Portal Member
    June 11, 2005
    New Zealand
    Yeah, hypothetically ha ha. I cant be arsed with doing that though (tried a few things in the past and just got fed up with it).

    Bloody typical though eh, last episode. Luckily the girl next door has it on that antiquated thing.....VHS tape.

    I have the same problem with the missus, she doesnt trust the system to work perfectly, but i have stuffed up setting the VCR so many times she thinks its user error most of the time.

    hopefully someone out there will have recorded it......


    Portal Pro
    November 14, 2005
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    Hi there, it's only a faint hope but have you checked the file isn't in the folder and it's just that the MP RecordedTV Database has not been updated? I've used Videoredo Quickfix in the past to fix up recordings that for whatever reason failed and were then not acknowledged. We're New Law/ Green Wing watchers here so can't help you out i'm afraid, good luck!! m


    Portal Member
    June 11, 2005
    New Zealand
    nah, unfortunatly. i even did a search on my whole pc for any dvr-ms file or anything over 50meg (in the last 2 days) and nothing. i convert them to mpg straight away so it didnt find any new ones. Bummer eh.
    thanks for the idea though.


    Portal Member
    October 30, 2006
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    Message Me

    I recorded it and it's in the list of recorded programs but I haven't watched it yet. Send me an email and if its recorded ok I will drop you a copy :D

    Whakatane, NZ.

    mp (at) edney


    Portal Member
    June 11, 2005
    New Zealand
    Mate you are a star!
    Am i being a bit dense though, should i PM you or is that your masked email address in the last line of your post?


    Portal Member
    October 30, 2006
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    Send me an email (using the masked address above) with your address/name/etc in.

    I've just fast-forwarded through it and it looks like it recorded ok. I will try and get it in the post over the next few days.

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