Problems loading database (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
January 6, 2013
Home Country
Sweden Sweden
I have been looking at returning to myfilms for some time, so I started experimenting with it. With the long standing issue of not being able to create a catalog from scratch was fixed, so I thought I would give it another try.
I scanned my collection, that have .nfo files created by TMM. Moving pictures and Kodi have no problems with loading the the files. All the files were scanned, but selecting the "View Movies" tab in the AMC Updater gives this:

If i quit AMC Updater and start "MyFilms setup" and push "Save" i get this:

And pushing Ok gives this:

If I manually edit the catalog file and remove the problematic file from the catalog another file gets reported as the source of the problem.
I have tried to build the program to run a debug session, but I fail at compiling it (I'm much more at home in a unix/linux environment).

I wonder if someone wants to have a look at this issue?



Portal Pro
January 6, 2013
Home Country
Sweden Sweden
After some time, I have started to experiment with myfilms again. Using the nfo grabber (as I always do) and the same version of myfilms as above, i have found that at scanning the database I get entries like this
<Movie Number="1" Checked="False" MediaType="HDD" Source="\\Nas\htpc\Videos\¡Tre amigos! (1986)\¡Tre amigos! (1986).mkv" Date="2015-02-01" Rating="6.4" OriginalTitle="¡Tre amigos!" TranslatedTitle="¡Tre amigos!" FormattedTitle="¡Tre amigos!" Director="John Landis" Country="Amerikas Förenta Stater" Category="Komedi, Västern" Year="1986" Length="99" Actors="Steve Martin (Lucky Day), Chevy Chase (Dusty Bottoms), Martin Short (Ned Nederlander), Alfonso Arau (El Guapo), Tony Plana (Jefe), Patrice Martinez (Carmen), Jorge Cervera Jr. (Bandito #1), Kai Wulff (German), Abel Franco (Papa Sanchez), Fred Asparagus (Bartender), Jon Lovitz (Morty), Joe Mantegna (Harry Flugleman), Philip Gordon (Rodrigo), Michael Wren (Cowboy), Gene Hartline (Silent Movie Bandito), William B. Kaplan (Silent Movie Bandito), Sophia Lamour (Silent Movie Senorita), Santos Morales (Telegrapher), Phil Hartman (Sam), Tino Insana (Studio Guard), Craig Berenson (Telegram Delivery Boy), Joshua Gallegos (Bar Patron), Norbert Weisser (German's Friend), Brian Thompson (German's Other Friend), Hector Elias (Pedro), Hector Morales (Carlos), Betty Carvalho (Mama Sanchez), Benita Telles (Rosita), Dyana Ortelli (Juanita), Humberto Ortiz (Pablo), Candy Castillo (Bandito #2), Jeff O'Haco (Bandito #3), Loyda Ramos (Conchita), Carl La Fong (Tortoise), Randy Newman (Singing Bush), Rebecca Ferratti (Señorita Kissing Ned), Cosmo Mata (Man in Bar), Brinke Stevens (Actress in Silent Movie), Tom Tangen (Stagecoach Passenger)" URL="\\Nas\htpc\Videos\¡Tre amigos! (1986)\¡Tre amigos! (1986).nfo" Description="Tre arbetslösa stumfilmsskådespelare får ett gig: de ska åka till en mexikansk by för att spela westernhjältar. Vad de inte vet är att deras motspelare, banditerna, är riktiga." VideoFormat="AVC" VideoBitrate="4730" AudioFormat="AC3" AudioBitrate="448" Resolution="1280x720" Framerate="50.000" Languages="engelska, spanska, tyska" Size="3667" Disks="1" Picture="pictures\¡Three Amigos!.jpg" MediaLabel="" Subtitles="" Producer="" Comments="">
If I edit all the entries like this (I remove the empty attributes at the end of these very long lines) :
<Movie Number="1" Checked="False" MediaType="HDD" Source="\\Nas\htpc\Videos\¡Tre amigos! (1986)\¡Tre amigos! (1986).mkv" Date="2015-02-01" Rating="6.4" OriginalTitle="¡Tre amigos!" TranslatedTitle="¡Tre amigos!" FormattedTitle="¡Tre amigos!" Director="John Landis" Country="Amerikas Förenta Stater" Category="Komedi, Västern" Year="1986" Length="99" Actors="Steve Martin (Lucky Day), Chevy Chase (Dusty Bottoms), Martin Short (Ned Nederlander), Alfonso Arau (El Guapo), Tony Plana (Jefe), Patrice Martinez (Carmen), Jorge Cervera Jr. (Bandito #1), Kai Wulff (German), Abel Franco (Papa Sanchez), Fred Asparagus (Bartender), Jon Lovitz (Morty), Joe Mantegna (Harry Flugleman), Philip Gordon (Rodrigo), Michael Wren (Cowboy), Gene Hartline (Silent Movie Bandito), William B. Kaplan (Silent Movie Bandito), Sophia Lamour (Silent Movie Senorita), Santos Morales (Telegrapher), Phil Hartman (Sam), Tino Insana (Studio Guard), Craig Berenson (Telegram Delivery Boy), Joshua Gallegos (Bar Patron), Norbert Weisser (German's Friend), Brian Thompson (German's Other Friend), Hector Elias (Pedro), Hector Morales (Carlos), Betty Carvalho (Mama Sanchez), Benita Telles (Rosita), Dyana Ortelli (Juanita), Humberto Ortiz (Pablo), Candy Castillo (Bandito #2), Jeff O'Haco (Bandito #3), Loyda Ramos (Conchita), Carl La Fong (Tortoise), Randy Newman (Singing Bush), Rebecca Ferratti (Señorita Kissing Ned), Cosmo Mata (Man in Bar), Brinke Stevens (Actress in Silent Movie), Tom Tangen (Stagecoach Passenger)" URL="\\Nas\htpc\Videos\¡Tre amigos! (1986)\¡Tre amigos! (1986).nfo" Description="Tre arbetslösa stumfilmsskådespelare får ett gig: de ska åka till en mexikansk by för att spela westernhjältar. Vad de inte vet är att deras motspelare, banditerna, är riktiga." VideoFormat="AVC" VideoBitrate="4730" AudioFormat="AC3" AudioBitrate="448" Resolution="1280x720" Framerate="50.000" Languages="engelska, spanska, tyska" Size="3667" Disks="1" Picture="pictures\¡Three Amigos!.jpg">

This edited version is usable without any problem.
I can think of a number of workarounds/fixes:
  • I can write an xslt transform that runs as a postprocessor that filters away empty attributes
  • I can probably set AMC to not import the attributes that are sometimes (or almost always) empty
  • Maybe there is something in the nfo grabber that can be done
  • or maybe the code can be updated to handle this in a more elegant way.
I think I need to tell that the current number of films are 2587, so it could be that this issue need some size of the database to show itself.
Any comments?


Portal Pro
January 6, 2013
Home Country
Sweden Sweden
I finally worked around this by downloading msxsl.exe from microsoft and put it in my catalog catalog, together with the attached xsl and bat files. I then configured AMCU to run the bat file as post-processing (under the Options tab). I anyone plan to reuse this you have to edit the bat file, as my catalog file name is hardcoded in it.


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