Questions about using aMPed for anime setup (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
November 28, 2005
I read online that MP supposedly has better support for anime than XBMC does and I'm willing to give it a try, but at the same time, I have a few questions that I'd like to have answered if I can:

1) How does creating separate menu options work as I want ones for Anime Movies as well as ones for Anime TV Series and Anime OAV's plus one for Tokusatsu (Japanese Superhero shows) with sub-menu's in that menu for Kamen Rider, Super Sentai and Miscellaneous.
2) How easy is it to setup aMPed and customise it in the manner that I want it to be customised (does that include the fonts as well?)
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  • November 26, 2006
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    Re separate menu options - do you mean on the Home screen or within the Anime plugin?
    In either case, the Anime plugin must support the option to open to those specific windows/options. I am not an expert in the plugin , so I would suggest you ask in the My Anime 3 Forum if that is supported. IIRC it does offer quite a lot of customization. If so, it may be possible to add those items to aMPed's Basic Home screen using the Editor, but it depends how it works.

    Re fonts - you can select a different font size easily in aMPedConfig (12pt, 15pt or 18pt). aMPed automatically adjusts for each font size. If you want to change the font itself you must edit the fonts.xml files in each of the \MediaPortal\skin\aMPed\Font Sizes subfolders - depending on the screen size you choose. If you select a font that is roughly the same size as the default Verdana font you should be fine, but some fonts vary considerably in size, so you may need to adjust the font heights in fonts.xml as well.


    Portal Member
    November 28, 2005
    Thanks for the advice. I'll be sure to try those suggestions out.

    Also, I have a new problem in that there's no option in the Config section for the revaMPed option of aMPed to add extra items to the menu at all for some odd reason although I read the instructions correctly.


    Docs Group Manager
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  • November 26, 2006
    Himalayas, India
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    revaMPed supports 3 levels of sub-menus in addition to the main menu, but only 7 items per menu. You can edit or move any items on any level, but not add more. That's a total of 49 items just using one sub-level, or 343 if you use 2 sub levels. It's hard to fit more than 7 items on the window nicely and still support large fonts. I probably could now with the refinements to the layout, but I lost my developer and I don't have the skill to modify much of the Editor code myself. :(

    If you prefer a vertical scrolling menu, where you can have as many items on the home screen as you want, you might prefer Classic Home. You can select which plugins dispaly on the main home screen vs the plugins screen, in MP Cong > plugins, and customize the order using the built-in MP Home plugin, but no sub menus, only the two windows.
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