Re-import skipped series (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
April 28, 2008
I've set up TV Series plug-in for the first time, and I launched it from Media Portal (I didn't import through the configurator) where it went on to automatically import my TV files... That worked great, except when it came up to Law & Order files -- it said "Unrecognized series: Law and Order" and offered two choices "try again with a different name" or "skip and never ask again". Pressing try again didn't give me any options to enter a new name, and it just gave me the same options again... Eventually, I just selected "skip" and it went on.

Now, because I skipped it, there's no Law & Order in my listings, and I'm not sure how to add them. All the files are being parsed properly in parse tester (except the series is called "Law and Order", and it's probably looking for "Law & Order"), but there are no obvious ways of manually adding these in, or having the plug-in rescan the files..

What should I do to add these files into its database?


Community Plugin Dev
  • Premium Supporter
  • June 10, 2007
    Home Country
    Australia Australia
    There is an outstanding issue with the Virtual Keyboard not working from with-in MP-TVSeries.

    * Go into the Configuration tool
    * Select to show Hidden Episodes on the 1st tab
    * Delete your Hidden Law and Order entries in the list
    * Start Import with-in the Config tool and manual search for these shows when prompted


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