Recently added movies ar not shown as recently added (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
August 8, 2011
Home Country
Germany Germany
Hi all,

my Problem is, like descripted in the title, that movies I've recently added are not shown like that.

The filter is ok and works fine (date added < -30d) but the movie importer is the problem. If I look there, the "date added" of a film I realy added yesterday (05/23/12) is e.g. 09/23/11.

After thinking alot about that I think I could find the problem:

In the past my workstation was Windows-based, so I copied the movie over ethernet to my HTPC. If I copy from that PC, the file-dates of creation and change are set to the actual date/time. I think that moving pictures takes one of that dates if it finds a new movie. So "date added" is from now (or yesterday) and the filter can show this movie as recently added.

But since some weeks, my workstation is an iMac with Mac OS X Lion. If I copy a movie from there, the dates of creation and change will stay untouched. And because of moving pictures does not take the actual date but the date of the files, the "date added" is much older than the file realy was added.

Does anybody has a solution for that?


Community Plugin Dev
  • Premium Supporter
  • June 10, 2007
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    Australia Australia
    MovingPictures has support for 3 different types of dates 'created', 'modified' or 'current'. You can change this in Advanced Settings->Matching and Importing->"Date Added" Population Method.

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