flokel said:Maybe muty can verify this, what does your log say when you try to record?
j1nx Your log doesn't list any errors ?
flokel said:The folder is correctly created,
maybe there's a problem with its rights.
I'll have a look on this.
Btw: which version of mp do you use?
Gave the folder and its subdirectories all rights
but nothing changed.
Tried a tricky solution: set ts buffer to 0 minutes (should imo deactivate ts) but again no success.
5/9/2006 10:11:16 PM Recorder: failed to start timeshifting since drive \: has less then 1GB freediskspace
5/9/2006 10:11:16 PM Command:MediaPortal.TV.Recording.TimeShiftTvCommand failed reason:Not enough free diskspace time:15.625 msec