Area: My TV
MP Version:
Skin: Blue Two
Windows Version: XP Pro SP2
CPU Type: 3.0 GHz Intel Pentium 4 with Hyper Threading
Memory: 1 GB PC3200, Dual Channel (2x512MB)
Motherboard Chipset: AS Rock P4V88, VIA PT880 Chipset
Video Card: nVidia GeForce4 MX420
Video Card Driver: 77.72 (6/15/2005)
Video Render Type: VMR9 Renderless
Video Codec Type & Version: ULEAD MPEG Video Decoder
Audio Codec Type & Version: ULEAD MPEG Audio Decoder
TV Card: AVerMedia UltraTV 1500 MCE
TV Card Type: Hardware MPEG2 Encoder / Standard NTSC Cable
TV Card Driver: (3/3/2005)
Synopsis: I noticed this bug in as well. I scheduled a recording (Let's call it 'Recording #1) for channel 9 on Thursday from 8:00pm- 10:00 pm. I also selected "Record every week at this time". Then I scheduled another recording (Let's call this one 'Recording #2') for channel 53 on Thursday from 11:30pm- 12:00am. I also set this one to record every week at this time (I scheduled these recordings from the TV Guide, not manually). Immediately, MP detected a conflict with 'Recording #1'. How is this possible?
MP Version:
Skin: Blue Two
Windows Version: XP Pro SP2
CPU Type: 3.0 GHz Intel Pentium 4 with Hyper Threading
Memory: 1 GB PC3200, Dual Channel (2x512MB)
Motherboard Chipset: AS Rock P4V88, VIA PT880 Chipset
Video Card: nVidia GeForce4 MX420
Video Card Driver: 77.72 (6/15/2005)
Video Render Type: VMR9 Renderless
Video Codec Type & Version: ULEAD MPEG Video Decoder
Audio Codec Type & Version: ULEAD MPEG Audio Decoder
TV Card: AVerMedia UltraTV 1500 MCE
TV Card Type: Hardware MPEG2 Encoder / Standard NTSC Cable
TV Card Driver: (3/3/2005)
Synopsis: I noticed this bug in as well. I scheduled a recording (Let's call it 'Recording #1) for channel 9 on Thursday from 8:00pm- 10:00 pm. I also selected "Record every week at this time". Then I scheduled another recording (Let's call this one 'Recording #2') for channel 53 on Thursday from 11:30pm- 12:00am. I also set this one to record every week at this time (I scheduled these recordings from the TV Guide, not manually). Immediately, MP detected a conflict with 'Recording #1'. How is this possible?