can anyone provide a complete file for me? So I just have to exchange it with an old file ...?
One more question:
Is the problem within mediaportal server or is it a problem of the specific mediaportal installations?
(I have one server and some other clients ...)
I just want to write some positve feedback concerning the patch for the recordings conflicts. After updating the server and the client the problem ist gone completely.
Programming new recordings and the recordings listing are very fast now. (Although I have more than 400 recordings!) It's similar to installations with just a few or none recordings.
Would be nice if this enhancement will be part of the next coming version of mediaportal.
(Maybe as fast as possible ...?)
How did I miss this thread. One of the last major annoyances with MP is the infuriatingly slow handling of recordings (setting and browsing) in multiseat. I do very much hope this makes it to 1.3beta.