this may be a stupid question, but since I'm new to MP and I found no clear answer on my forum and wiki searches I dare to ask it out loud:
* What kind of format is TS?
It seems that all MP recordings I have end with TS... I understood from the forum that this is some sort of TimeShifting-enabled Transport Stream.
* So, but how to convert this to DVR-MS?
A lot of topics talk about automatic conversion from DVR-MS to MPEG... so I guess once I got DVR-MS files I'd be ok.
* Is there any way to directly record to DVR-MS in MP?
From the posts I read I came to believe that MP used to directly record to DVR-MS and that this has changed and/or is about to change again...
So, anybody that is able to clarify the format used by MP (0.2) to record
digital TV shows (via DVB-T) and what are the future plans for coming-up versions would be appreciated.
this may be a stupid question, but since I'm new to MP and I found no clear answer on my forum and wiki searches I dare to ask it out loud:
* What kind of format is TS?
It seems that all MP recordings I have end with TS... I understood from the forum that this is some sort of TimeShifting-enabled Transport Stream.
* So, but how to convert this to DVR-MS?
A lot of topics talk about automatic conversion from DVR-MS to MPEG... so I guess once I got DVR-MS files I'd be ok.
* Is there any way to directly record to DVR-MS in MP?
From the posts I read I came to believe that MP used to directly record to DVR-MS and that this has changed and/or is about to change again...
So, anybody that is able to clarify the format used by MP (0.2) to record
digital TV shows (via DVB-T) and what are the future plans for coming-up versions would be appreciated.