Recording stops then starts again - stream rejected (1 Viewer)


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  • August 2, 2006
    London UK
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    TV-Server Version: 1.01
    MediaPortal Version: 1.01
    MediaPortal Skin: Blue3 Wide
    Windows Version: Vista
    CPU Type: Pentium D 3.06
    HDD: WD 160 system, MAXTOR 500 TS/Music ,WD 500 Shared files , ST 1000 Rec TV
    Memory: 2GB
    Video Card: Nvidia 7600GS
    Video Card Driver: Latest


    I have had an occasional freezing of video on clients and server (singleseat) for some time now, but this one seems different.

    I watched and recorded "Ashes to Ashes" tonight and some way through the timeshift just stopped.

    I started the recording from the beginning and again the video stopped at the same moment.

    I then started from the live point and got uninterrupted video up until the end of the program.

    TsWriter.log has these entries around the time:

    20-04-2009 21:43:32.522 Recorder: TIMESHIFT add video stream pid: 0x258 fake pid: 0x30 stream type: 0x2 logical type: 0x2 descriptor length: 3
    20-04-2009 21:43:32.522 Recorder: TIMESHIFT add audio stream pid: 0x259 fake pid: 0x40 stream type: 0x3 logical type: 0x3 descriptor length: 9
    20-04-2009 21:43:32.523 Recorder: TIMESHIFT add subtitle stream pid: 0x25b fake pid: 0x50 stream type: 0x6 logical type: 0x6 descriptor length: 13
    20-04-2009 21:43:32.523 Recorder: TIMESHIFT add audio stream pid: 0x25a fake pid: 0x41 stream type: 0x3 logical type: 0x3 descriptor length: 9
    20-04-2009 21:43:32.523 Recorder: TIMESHIFT stream rejected - pid: 0x28a stream type: 0xb logical type: 0xb descriptor length: 3
    20-04-2009 21:43:32.523 Recorder: TIMESHIFT stream rejected - pid: 0x28b stream type: 0xb logical type: 0xb descriptor length: 3
    20-04-2009 21:43:32.524 Recorder: TIMESHIFT stream rejected - pid: 0x28c stream type: 0xb logical type: 0xb descriptor length: 3
    20-04-2009 21:43:32.524 Recorder: TIMESHIFT stream rejected - pid: 0x3ed stream type: 0xb logical type: 0xb descriptor length: 18
    20-04-2009 21:43:32.524 Recorder: TIMESHIFT stream rejected - pid: 0x3ee stream type: 0xb logical type: 0xb descriptor length: 3
    20-04-2009 21:43:32.524 Recorder: TIMESHIFT stream rejected - pid: 0x3ef stream type: 0xb logical type: 0xb descriptor length: 3

    I have seen errors like this before when I was having problems with no audio after changing channnels (usually to or from Channel 4). This was resolved with a later SVN.

    The recording is simply missing the bit inbetween when it stopped recording and started again, although it would not play properly in MP at the time.

    I have attached logs. What could this be?


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