Recording thumbnails - resolved! :-D (1 Viewer)


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  • May 1, 2009
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    -B parameter set the start point (in secondes) of the first frame search. Normally, if duration file's is longer than the start point it must work! In my case, all recordings are longer. And 0kb files aren't specially short (in duration).

    Yes, I know what means -B parameter. All my files are longer then time in the -B parameter. I think, the problem is in the fact that stream in the .ts file is raw. It means uncleaned, with short disorders. If a record is playing, it usually can not see. But if this place hit MTN, is not able to create an image. It's just my assumption.



    Retired Team Member
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  • November 30, 2010
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    I have no idea what to do exactly to get it work.. :s

    But when I read here that it don't work for HD channels, than It's not a solution for me because most of my channels are HD.

    I don't understand why this problem is not solved for such a long time.. Is is really so difficult to get this work? Maybe the developers have to take a look into Fortherecord. When I use fortherecord, the thumbs are created..

    glenn 1990

    Portal Pro
    July 1, 2010
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    Belgium Belgium
    FTR also uses mtn.exe, it also fails to create thumbs for several of my (HD)channels. But 4tr uses probably other mtn settings, wich results in less failed thumb creations.

    Mtn.exe is death, so we need to find a (better) replacement !!

    glenn 1990

    Portal Pro
    July 1, 2010
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    Belgium Belgium
    I played a bit with the "microsoft windows API", and I managed to get the windows thumbs into mediaportal:D.
    Thumbs are working now for all channels. I'm using 4TR, but it should also work with the normal tv client.
    If I'm ready, I'll post the sourcecode, patches,...


    • test.png
      667.6 KB

    glenn 1990

    Portal Pro
    July 1, 2010
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    Belgium Belgium
    Ok, does someone wants to test?

    It's possible that it don't work, because I can't test it (4TR user).
    If it works (or not), please post your mp log.

    Follow these steps:
    - use windows 7 (not sure about vista)
    - use a single seat setup (or multiseat with UNC streaming)
    - use mp 1.2.1
    - clear your recording thumbs folder
    - Replace tvplugin.dll with the attached one. (backup your old one)
    - place the other 2 dll's in the same folder (.../plugins/windows)


    • thumb test.rar
      338.3 KB


    Community Skin Designer
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  • April 2, 2008
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    I don't see anything happening when I follow your instructions. Do you log anything that I could look for in the log-files? I don't use 4TR but ordinary MP TV-client in multiseat (UNC) on Windows 7 64-bit Ultimate.

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