ok, i did a debug.I am looking through the source here: transmission-remote-dotnet - A µTorrent like Windows remote control for the Transmission BitTorrent client (transmission-daemon) - Google Project Hosting
I am trying to find out how to create a connection to a transmission-daemon and then simply request a bit of detail (server version for example).
Connect method is here MainWindow.cs - transmission-remote-dotnet - A µTorrent like Windows remote control for the Transmission BitTorrent client (transmission-daemon) - Google Project Hosting
request details:
url - http://host:9091/transmission/rpc
http methos - POST
post data like this - {"tag":0,"method":"session-get","arguments":{}} - it's a json object
X-Transmission-Session-Id: value taken from first request headers and then using as authentification
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate,sdch
request credentials of type System.Net.NetworkCredential are filled with login/password infformation.