Maybe be an error in the .ts file and maybe my 'version' just processes part of the video that doesn't have the error. Jay_UK knows more about ffmpeg than me.[DOUBLEPOST=1353529958][/DOUBLEPOST]lol you beat me, same answer
Hey, nice job here. Small remark and a question though:
When doing a clean "install" (copy files) no registry entries are done. With me this made the "maxthumbnailwidth" default to "0" which in turn made mtn.exe crash for each thumb it tried to create. It took me a while to figure it out so maybe it's a good idea to supply a readymade .reg with default settings like you did for the debugging option.
My question would be if it's possible to change the 720 seconds for the grab. I use alot of pre-record time and always end up with thumbs from the show before.
This is a blast from the past....seems like it was ages ago I wrote this!
Good spot on finding the error/situation.
There is a new version on the first post that handles no registry keys being set (I now check to see if maxthumbwidth has been set or not - oversight on my part).
In relation to the begin skip of 720 - this is specified by Mediaportal (it is hard coded), but what I have done (for this external MTN.exe replacement) is allow you to override the commandline begin/end skip values, by creating two new registry keys:
Both are strings and should be set to the new values (in seconds) you want.
Once the code is integrated/merged into MePo, I am expecting the begin/end skip values to be adjustable via the MePo Configurator.
Coming back here after some time is only because the old mtn is still not working correctly in MP 1.2.3 and i couldn't find any info on whether thumbnailing will be fixed in 1.3.0. Good thing you made this i say
Thanks alot for the quick work! I'll test it right away.[DOUBLEPOST=1356891565][/DOUBLEPOST]Works like a charm, Thanks!