Replacement MTN (Thumbnailer) for H264 content (2 Viewers)


Test Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • May 10, 2007
    France - IDF
    Home Country
    France France
    Hi Jay, no prob for me border work perfect, is better ! ;)

    can you look for the tiles width are summed for make final width, because actually tiles are resized to adapt to original format vidéo. this is an issue with multi-column.

    what is next version ?
    Last edited:


    Test Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • October 6, 2009
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Hi there,

    After giving myself servere headaches with the maths to handle the tiling, I have taken a step back and drastically simplified how I work out dimensions. :D

    V73 is on the first page - No major changes, just simplified maths/logic for tiling.

    J.[DOUBLEPOST=1353433672][/DOUBLEPOST]Hi there,

    I am getting to the end of the road with the MTN.EXE development (It's be fun and challenging....)

    The only thing I might implement is adjustable blank frame detection (I need to double check that the basic functionality is working correctly anyway)

    Then that's it..... Time to merge/insert it into MePo (I'll apologise now to the Devs, as I'll have loads of questions if I decide to tweak the Config tool to expose some configurable options) :D



    Test Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • May 10, 2007
    France - IDF
    Home Country
    France France
    V73, ok nothing change !
    for me, only width dimension for multi column, after all is OK.

    Thx for your work.
    Last edited:


    Test Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • October 6, 2009
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Hi there,

    What is the issue with the width?

    The overrall thumbnail width is either specified with "-w" or matches the source video width (or if that fails, defaults to 1270)

    Looking at the last processed movie:

    Video width = 1920
    Thumbnail width is not specified - so set to same as the Video width = 1920
    External border = 3
    Internal border = 8

    Tile Width = (Video Width - Left External Border - Right External Border - (Internal Border * (Columns -1)))/Columns


    Tile width: (1920 - 3 - 3 - (8 * (3-1)))/3 = 632 (rounded to 633)




    Test Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • October 6, 2009
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Hi guys,

    V74 on the first post, V73 had an error with the reporting of the Thumbnail size in the log file (Apologises for not picking this up sooner).

    There is also a new option in V74 (hopefully its what Azzuro is after), where you can specify -1 as the thumbnail width. This will now make the thumbnail width to be the total width of all the source videos with borders (so could be a huge thumbnail - not really of use in MePo)



    Test Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • May 10, 2007
    France - IDF
    Home Country
    France France
    no issue for HDmovie, but for SD when is small definitions. in shared thumb, tiles are very small

    your formule is "perfect" only when width is specified ! for me when i speak aspect ratio = tiles maintain have aspect ratio, but when many tiles (column) must be summed to one file, without be resized.

    maybe this is impossible.[DOUBLEPOST=1353451319][/DOUBLEPOST]
    There is also a new option in V74 (hopefully its what Azzuro is after), where you can specify -1 as the thumbnail width. This will now make the thumbnail width to be the total width of all the source videos with borders (so could be a huge thumbnail - not really of use in MePo)
    As Fanart maker !!!! ;)
    Last edited:


    Test Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • May 10, 2007
    France - IDF
    Home Country
    France France
    Yeah, working for SD, but you are right about HD def. is too bigger ! can you add a function limit to set MAX WIDTH ?
    And for me ALL IS FINE !
    Script Work !


    Super Moderator
  • Team MediaPortal
  • April 21, 2010
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    21.11.2012 09:37:06 - ######################### Starting MTN Replacement ( - By Jay_UK ###########################
    21.11.2012 09:37:06 - Commandline arguments:  -c 2 -r 2 -B 720 -w 500 D:\Aufnahmen\Goodbye Deutschland! Die Auswanderer - VOX - 2012-11-20.ts
    21.11.2012 09:37:06 - Number of rows: 2
    21.11.2012 09:37:06 - Number of columns: 2
    21.11.2012 09:37:06 - Thumbnail width: 500
    21.11.2012 09:37:06 - Beginning position: 720
    21.11.2012 09:37:06 - Skip end position: 0
    21.11.2012 09:37:06 - Output Suffix: _s.jpg
    21.11.2012 09:37:06 - Output directory: (Same as source)
    21.11.2012 09:37:06 - Source file/directory: 2012-11-20.ts
    21.11.2012 09:37:06 - Aspect ratio mode: Thumb
    21.11.2012 09:37:06 - JPEG Quality: 100
    21.11.2012 09:37:06 - Internal border size: 0
    21.11.2012 09:37:06 - Extenal border size: 0
    21.11.2012 09:37:06 - FFmpeg process priority: Normal
    21.11.2012 09:37:06 - Batch mode: No
    21.11.2012 09:37:06 - -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    21.11.2012 09:37:06 - Movie file (with path): 2012-11-20.ts
    21.11.2012 09:37:06 - ...ERROR - Movie not found!!
    21.11.2012 09:37:06 - ################################### Finished MTN Replacement #####################################

    For me thumbnailing failed somehow. If I want to use the Drag and Drop option I get this error. (Movie not found)

    Thanks for your work!

    EDIT: Here is the error from within MP
    21.11.2012 09:47:24 - ######################### Starting MTN Replacement ( - By Jay_UK ###########################
    21.11.2012 09:47:24 - Commandline arguments:  -D 6 -B 420 -E 600 -c 2 -r 2 -b 0,60 -t -i -w 0 -n -P D:/Aufnahmen/Goodbye Deutschland! Die Auswanderer - VOX - 2012-11-20.ts
    21.11.2012 09:47:24 - Number of rows: 2
    21.11.2012 09:47:24 - Number of columns: 2
    21.11.2012 09:47:24 - Thumbnail width: (Same as source)
    21.11.2012 09:47:24 - Beginning position: 420
    21.11.2012 09:47:24 - Skip end position: 600
    21.11.2012 09:47:24 - Output Suffix: _s.jpg
    21.11.2012 09:47:24 - Output directory: (Same as source)
    21.11.2012 09:47:24 - Source file/directory: D:\Aufnahmen\Goodbye Deutschland! Die Auswanderer - VOX - 2012-11-20.ts
    21.11.2012 09:47:24 - Aspect ratio mode: Thumb
    21.11.2012 09:47:24 - JPEG Quality: 100
    21.11.2012 09:47:24 - Internal border size: 0
    21.11.2012 09:47:24 - Extenal border size: 0
    21.11.2012 09:47:24 - FFmpeg process priority: Normal
    21.11.2012 09:47:24 - Batch mode: No
    21.11.2012 09:47:24 - -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    21.11.2012 09:47:24 - Movie file (with path): D:\Aufnahmen\Goodbye Deutschland! Die Auswanderer - VOX - 2012-11-20.ts
    21.11.2012 09:47:24 - ...Found movie
    21.11.2012 09:47:24 - ...Movie filename: Goodbye Deutschland! Die Auswanderer - VOX - 2012-11-20.ts
    21.11.2012 09:47:24 - ...Movie output path (without filename): D:\Aufnahmen
    21.11.2012 09:47:24 - ...Movie filename without extension: Goodbye Deutschland! Die Auswanderer - VOX - 2012-11-20
    21.11.2012 09:47:24 - ...Extracting details about the movie using FFMpeg
    21.11.2012 09:47:24 - ......Starting process: C:\Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\MovieThumbnailer\ffmpeg.exe
    21.11.2012 09:47:24 - .........Waiting for the process to finish or timeout of: 10
    21.11.2012 09:47:24 - ......Video width is: 720
    21.11.2012 09:47:24 - ......Video height is: 576
    21.11.2012 09:47:24 - ......Length is: 42772
    21.11.2012 09:47:24 - ...Thumbnail interval is: 10438
    21.11.2012 09:47:24 - ...No custom thumbnail width specified - setting dimension to match source video
    21.11.2012 09:47:24 - ......Thumb dimensions:
    21.11.2012 09:47:24 - .........Width: 720
    21.11.2012 09:47:24 - .........Heigth:576
    21.11.2012 09:47:24 - ......Tile dimensions:
    21.11.2012 09:47:24 - .........Width: 360
    21.11.2012 09:47:24 - .........Height:288
    21.11.2012 09:47:24 - ...Generating frame grab(s)
    21.11.2012 09:47:24 - ...Processing Thumbnail
    21.11.2012 09:47:24 - +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    21.11.2012 09:47:24 - ...Generating the frame grab(1 - 420): C:\Users\SEBAST~1\AppData\Local\Temp\mtn_replacement\mtn_replacement.Goodbye Deutschland! Die Auswanderer - VOX - 2012-11-20_1.jpg
    21.11.2012 09:47:24 - ......Starting process: C:\Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\MovieThumbnailer\ffmpeg.exe
    21.11.2012 09:47:24 - .........Waiting for the process to finish or timeout of: 12
    21.11.2012 09:47:24 - ......Successfully generated the frame grab: 1 - 420
    21.11.2012 09:47:24 - ......Checking the frame is not blank
    21.11.2012 09:47:24 - .........Frame is not blank
    21.11.2012 09:47:24 - ......Tiled frame. Deleting frame file
    21.11.2012 09:47:24 - +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    21.11.2012 09:47:24 - ...Generating the frame grab(1 - 10858): C:\Users\SEBAST~1\AppData\Local\Temp\mtn_replacement\mtn_replacement.Goodbye Deutschland! Die Auswanderer - VOX - 2012-11-20_2.jpg
    21.11.2012 09:47:24 - ......Starting process: C:\Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\MovieThumbnailer\ffmpeg.exe
    21.11.2012 09:47:24 - .........Waiting for the process to finish or timeout of: 12
    21.11.2012 09:47:24 - ......ERROR - Failed to generate the frame grab: 2 - 10858
    21.11.2012 09:47:24 - ################################### Finished MTN Replacement #####################################
    Last edited:


    Test Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • October 6, 2009
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Hi there.

    Can you try this version (make sure you extract the CMD file too).

    I think the issue is/was with how C# parsed the commandline when it had spaces and wasn't quoted




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