Request: Grooveshark (4 Viewers)


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  • July 27, 2007
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    Fabulous :D
    Interesting taste in music though ;)


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  • August 31, 2006
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    Sweden Sweden
    Hi SpudR,

    Don't read to much into the screenshots ;) I always test on these artists as it is the only music I have on my development PC ;) So it was old habit that made me use these here as well.



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  • May 17, 2008
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    South Korea South Korea
    hi cu8ler ! after testing little bit her some feedback... i will write all i see ...even small things...

    the good : artist fanart work , music work ,

    the bugs :
    1. the Search tack abut 3 min' last version same artist 20 sec' .
    2.the buffer circle (B3W) /buffer line (xfactor) freeze after 1 sec' .
    3.during the search mp totly freeze ,canot move or do anyting ,untile the search finish (as i say abut 3min for artist ABBA)
    4.after search finish i dont get the second menu if i click the song ,the only way to get it view ,is to click the mouse right botten.
    second menu is the add to playlist....)
    5.still canot see coverart.

    i on my test pc (win xp + mp 1.1rc4)
    i add the log's.


    Edit : some bugs with skin for B3W if title name to long ,in playlist and in now playing (next to cover)..


    Design Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • May 17, 2008
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    South Korea South Korea
    HI cu8ler ! thank's for the update 1.3 ...
    but have a big problem ,the plugin act like this, look like start playing first song ,but it's not play after 2 sec' it jump to the next song
    and again after 2 sec' jump to next song and so on and on ,untile i stop it .... so i canot test it..

    see error logs ...

    Edit : wall good news ... this bug i was talking abut seams to be ,wheen adding the option "add all to playlist" then it's come up.

    but if add one song by one song work fine ...

    some more feedback:
    the good ...
    in this version you fix meny of my bug report ,,,:) , the plugin not freez mp any more, the search now very fast (artist abba 10 sec')
    in search menu you fix the pop up second menu , the buffer circle fix ,artist fanart work... great work ..:)

    the bad... i say the add all song to playlist bug. play list if click the song the plugin play the song ,but need to see the pop up menu "play song" "clear playlist"... no ?
    if i use the right butten on the muse this menu pop up ..
    3.COVERART still no show ...?
    4.B3W skin if have long name overlaping ,in playlist and title playin now ..

    cul8er , great work ..the plugin feel mach faster and work wall ....we geting thir ..:D


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  • August 31, 2006
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    Sweden Sweden
    Hi ysmp,

    Thank for your feedback. I have found the bug and it is now fixed (Add all to playlist option).

    best regards


    Design Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • May 17, 2008
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    South Korea South Korea
    HI cul8er ! just try V1.1.4 great we have cover art ...:)

    evrting seams to be o.k , i can say the add all to playlist with this version tack a few sec more then befure ,but we can live with thet.

    please look at the screen for some small bug's in B3W skin :

    1. the playing time very small ....:)
    2. look in list : "ABBA - Dancing Queen (Extended Version)" the extended version over laping the list view butten , with other artist is wors... you can see the small cover overlap the title.
    4. all the way to the right side thir is the artist first letter , with other artist it worse (try billy joel ,you will see what i means)

    ho befor i forget evrting work fine and wall , but have in error log somting abut MP Groovshark .. so please cheeck it out..

    thanks ,rally good work men .. i think can ralice MPGroovshark Plugin soon.

    EDIT : abut xfacotr skin see screen ...only 1 bug i see , the artist name show up all the way to the right ..

    1 thing do the playing track time have to show : 00:33 it canot show : 0:33 ,,, look little wired no ..?


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  • November 30, 2005
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    England England
    Hi Cul8er.

    Can confirm the above mentioned bugs that "ysmp" collected - Same in B3W - Even have same log errors.

    Tested on 2 X MP RC4 - It works, but I only get sound on one of them!?!?

    Both have HDMI - On the PC that did not work, i tried switching to analog sound, but without any luck.

    Even a total reinstallation of RC4+MYSQL+Folders does not solve it.

    On this machine it gives me a pop-up box when entergin Grooveshark plugin(see attachment)

    Will keep testing for further design flaws meanwhile...........


    • Groove.jpg
      63.8 KB


    Retired Team Member
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  • August 31, 2006
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    Sweden Sweden
    Hi msj33,

    Thank you for your report. Please let me know what operating system you have on the one that works and the one that does not work.

    best regards


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  • November 30, 2005
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    Both is running Windows 7 with all updates enabled.

    Have tried both to change Codec/renderer outpu and HDMI, analog speakers+headset - MP sounds works, but no grooveshark sound

    Only difference 2 these setup is SAF codec on the working PC.......I'll try to see if that have any difference to this one........

    UPDATE: The installation of SAF 5.0 does not fix it.


    • sound.jpg
      58.2 KB


    MP Donator
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  • November 30, 2005
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    England England
    1) Making 2nd Search does not display "Buffering" icon.
    2)When navigation to end of Search list, cursor jumps to Playlist
    3)When deleting songs from playlist with several pages, the "1/4" does not update accordingly
    4)Arrange arrows does not keep focus - (When arranging a song, the cursor jumps to song name)
    5)Cannot delete playlists.
    6) Default playlist name is MPGDefault - (Playlist not created by user - why have it? If it is a MUST, then rename)

    Design flaws:
    1) When adding songs from search list, you generate an "Add to playlist" pop-up - This should be changed, so that when you click on a song, it gets added to the playlist instantly. This makes navigation much quicker - To solve the "Add all songs" , make a "Add All" button in top of Search list instead
    2) Playlist icons have wrong size(Height/width)
    3) Background images is set to be "streched" - This is in some cases awful to look at - Images with higher or better height/width resolution should be used.
    4) Mediaportal in window mode generates Playlist popup, when resizing MP window
    5) Mediaportal in window mode have mouse issues when hovering plugin

    Feature suggestion:
    1) Playlist should be moved further up in design - This will allow longer playlist, and easier way of arranging songs.
    2) Search list could also be longer - Both can be solved with a certical search/playlist splitscreen
    3) "Add to top"-icon on playlist arrange buttons. (Easy way to get newly added song to top of playlist)
    4) Buy album link (search string fo cdwow/amazon or similar)
    5) Buffer next song before end of now playing son (Shorter wait time between songs.....maybe even fade effect can be added?)

    Thats it for tonight......will keep to find as many flaws as possible the next couple of days.

    But have to say, it is already looking VERY promising........Nice work Cul8er :0)


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