REQUESTS for new websites/languages (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
September 16, 2012
Home Country
Germany Germany
First of all:
to anyone, who has contributed to creating Mediaportal, thank you so much for this great programm !!!!

I am from Germany and have my movies stored in genre-folders (like action, drama etc.).
Within these folders each movie like this:
30 Days to Die.iso
30 Days to Die.jpg
30 Days to Die_backdrop.jpg
30 Days to Die.xml

The content of "30 Days to Die.xml" is

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <title>30 Days to Die</title>
        <plot>Vanessa ist ein schwieriges Mädchen. Ihre Eltern halten es daher für angeraten, sie über die Sommerferien ins Erziehungslager der gestrengen Mrs. Wellington abzuschieben. Dort wird Vanessa von Mitgefangenen gemobbt, von männlichen Wärtern drangsaliert, und von einem Serienkiller bedroht. Letzterer, ein maskiert aus dem Dunkel der Nacht operierender Frauenfeind, versetzt die Gegend bereits seit geraumer Zeit in Angst und Schrecken. Sheriff Neeley, um seine Wiederwahl bangend, hat sich seine Ergreifung aufs Panier geschrieben.</plot>
        <director>Griff Furst</director>
      <actor><name>Shirly Brener</name></actor>
      <actor><name>Wendy Carter</name></actor>
      <actor><name>Laurence Cohen</name></actor>
        <thumbnail>30 Days to Die.jpg</thumbnail>
        <backdrop>30 Days to Die_backdrop.jpg</backdrop>

This format is what "WDTV Live" (Western Digital TV Live - HD Streaming Media Player) needs to show metadata. As I have 1000+ films tagged like this and also would like to continue using WDTV Live on one of my TVs, where I do not have a computer with Mediaportal installed, I would need a script to scrape from these XMLs and only use my local data and cover+backdrop-pics.

I tried to use the existing scraper scripts for pullinmg the details from the internet, but for german movies there are many missing or mismatched.

Can anyone provide such a script or point me in the right direction?

Thank you for your help ...


Portal Pro
November 5, 2009
Home Country
Germany Germany
a scraper for ember media manager would be nice.

The nfo's created with ember are used, but not all information is shown. The label for duration is named runtime in the nfo's created by ember. Is there a way to change that (besides editing over 400 nfos). MoPi is using the runtime label.

The second thing is my backdrops are not shown. They are named like the movie with a -fanart in between. Like

22 Bullets-fanart.jpg

If this is the wrong thread, please move my post



Portal Member
March 14, 2008
Home Country
Germany Germany

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