SBS Channel stops working (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
December 16, 2008
Home Country
TV-Server Version: 1.0.1
MediaPortal Version: 1.0.1
Windows Version: WinXP Pro SP2
Sound Card: Onboard
1. TV Card: Pinnacle PCTV Dual DVB-T Pro PCI
Remote: Pinnacle Remote

Hi all,

Been having an issue with mediaportal since i started using it about 4-5 months ago, where a particular tv channel will stop working after some time. When i go to view the channel it either goes to a blank screen or thinks for a min and then times out. In the earlier versions on MP it would throw up and error saying unable to start timeshifting, though it doesnt say that anymore

The only way to get it back is to go into mediaportal config and rescan all the channels again. A couple of days later it will do it again.

Im in Australia and the channel is SBS. Doesn't happen on any other channels. It's as if the broadcast frequency changes and i have to rescan to pick up the new frequency?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.




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  • February 23, 2005
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    It sounds like a signal strength issue with SBS. What do your MediaPortal log files say at the time that SBS stops functioning?


    Portal Member
    December 16, 2008
    Home Country
    Will check the logs when i get a chance. Do you know what log file will hold that information?


    Portal Member
    December 16, 2008
    Home Country
    Well i checked tv.log and couldn't find anything obvious related to SBS.

    Removed both SBS and SBS2 from the TV server and rescanned and it works fine again...

    I checked both SBS and SBS2 before i removed them and they were tuned to 205.50mhz and bw 7

    After i removed them and rescanned they came back with the same settings and worked fine.

    Any other ideas? Never noticed any signal issues with SBS before running MP? Am in direct line with tower so there shouldnt be..


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