Scan movie db by folder name not file name? (2 Viewers)


New Member
September 17, 2006
Hi all,

I switched to mediaportal about two months back, really love it.


On MCE there's a plugin (My Movies) that will scan a person's movie directory by the folder or file name, then import the imdb results into your database. Very helpful when all your movies have cryptic names, but are correctly organized in individual directories.

As far as I can tell mediaportal will only scan by the file name. How can I scan a rather large movie dir (500 divx/xvid titles) by the folder rather than file names?

I've tried using Ant then importing that, but seems like scanning a lot of movies at once is an involved process with that app. Is there something I'm missing in MP to change how it scans my video dir? Or a third party app I could use and then import to MP?



Portal Pro
April 28, 2007
Any plans on implementing this as in XBMC?
Coming from XBMC myself I currently have a lot of movies (about 1000 folders) with the correct movie name, but the the filenames themselves might be shortened and not usable for a IMDB scan.


New Member
May 3, 2007
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United States of America United States of America
I think this would be an awesome feature myself. I, too, am new to MP but man I have to tell ya. I LOVE IT. I've been messing around with MCE '05 and Vista Media Center for almost 6 months now and MP blows them both away in functionality and performance.

Anyways, back on topic. I think it would be a wise option to select folder or filename. In my personal collection of movies they are in properly named folders containing VIDEO_TS folders. For some of my movies, however, it freaks out during the scan. I think that setting to for folder names would correct this problem.


Portal Pro
July 18, 2006
I also agree that searching with the folder name would be better, also it would be mutch better search results if the year were included in the search - examle:
Movie name (year)
Switched to MP from MCE 2005 maybe half a year ago and there is only 2 things I miss: All nice animations in the skin and the movie plugin from this site:
Besides that MP is so mutch better!


Portal Member
April 22, 2006
I would like to request this myself.

My old Meedio system would scan the folder and folder.jpg with a tagmask, then use an imdb plugin which would download all of the metadata. It worked perfectly and looked good.

All we really need to get this working is a tool that uses antdvd and scans for folders. This way you could use the myfilms plugin. Unfortunetly afaik there is nothing like that that works - and it certainly is more cumbersome than the meedio solution.


Portal Member
June 4, 2007
Home Country
Denmark Denmark
I was just about to propose the same thing :)
Specially i have some problems with my .iso files since they dont all have the right labels (the name which pops up as the name of the drive when mounted) :(
but directory name is spot on right.

btw if the problem only is that the file dont match the dir name, u could write a fairly simple bat file which could rename files to folder name :) but alas this wont work for the .iso labels :(

anyone know of a program that can manipulate labels in existing .iso files?

a dirty ugly .bat file for renaming .avi files to folder name. Takes all folders in its root and renames files in them.
only 1 level of deepth though.. worked for my purpose...

C:. <----bat file here
├───Casino Royal
│ └───Sample
├───Children Of Men
│ └───SAMPLE
├───Deja Vu
│ └───Sample
├───Epic Movie
│ ├───Covers
│ └───Sample

will only rename files directly in movie folders (not in covers sample etc)


@echo off
SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion

dir /a:d /b >list.txt
for /F "delims=," %%a in (list.txt) do (
echo %%a
cd "%%a"
rename *.avi "%%a".avi
del list.txt


New Member
May 25, 2006
I was looking at the code tonight and it looks like DVD folders should work but only if you have the VIDEO_TS folder and then the VIDEO_TS.IFO file under that. Of course none of my directories are that way. I am going to make a version that does not require that. If it works a could send anyone interested in a copy of the configuration executable.



Portal Member
October 27, 2006
Home Country
Denmark Denmark
Hi all,

I switched to mediaportal about two months back, really love it.


On MCE there's a plugin (My Movies) that will scan a person's movie directory by the folder or file name, then import the imdb results into your database. Very helpful when all your movies have cryptic names, but are correctly organized in individual directories.

As far as I can tell mediaportal will only scan by the file name. How can I scan a rather large movie dir (500 divx/xvid titles) by the folder rather than file names?

I've tried using Ant then importing that, but seems like scanning a lot of movies at once is an involved process with that app. Is there something I'm missing in MP to change how it scans my video dir? Or a third party app I could use and then import to MP?


I have the same problem, is there any way to do this now (seach via foldername)? Also isn't it possible to grab the cover art from IMBD instead of the other external sites? This way the movie and cover would match instead of now where an IMDB info search for "Running scared" will bring back the 2006 info which is correct but the cover will be old and taken from another site from a release dated some 20 yrs ago?

And how can MP be scheduled to auto update the movie DB? I would like to only focus on adding files to the folder and let MP take care of the rest. ;)

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