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After running MP for some weeks on my HTPC without a reboot, I came up with an error which I think I've never seen before. Unfortunately the error is only thing left from the logs at that time so I understand if no one doesn't want to investigate it. However the error itself might give some clues (TV Server error.log):
This error appeared when I scheduled a show (which was already running) from EPG. However the recording did not start so I tried to start it manually which caused the same error. Only thing that fixed this was a complete reboot.
2012-09-22 22:32:13.298013 [(27)]: Exception :System.ObjectDisposedException: Safe handle has been closed
at Microsoft.Win32.Win32Native.SetEvent(SafeWaitHandle handle)
at System.Threading.EventWaitHandle.Set()
at TvService.TVController.OnNewSchedule()
This error appeared when I scheduled a show (which was already running) from EPG. However the recording did not start so I tried to start it manually which caused the same error. Only thing that fixed this was a complete reboot.