Schedules Direct US/Canadian/Mexico EPG Plugin (Updated August 2010) (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
April 20, 2005
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United States of America United States of America
Hello, Im new at MP and I have a few questions to ask. I've been trying to get a tv guide working for a few days now. I first tried the whole EPG/xmltv thing. I never could get that to work so I decided to give Direct Schedule a try. I'm currently using the 7 day trial. I followed all the steps. I deleted all my channels and retuned them. Then I enabled the plugin like you are suppose to. I filled in my username and password. But when I start media portal it does NOTHING at all. I looked at my log and there is NOTHING about the direct schedule plugin in there. I looked at others who had problems to compare configs. I'm not complaining about it I'm sure I probably did something to screw it up. Anybody have any idea what's wrong? I have the newest version of MP and of the plugin. I even tried to force it to update in the TV server config. Thanks in advance! I'm pretty sure it never starts.


Try not to get too stressed you'll get there ;)

It is difficult to tell what MP version you are using, on the one hand it looks like MP stand alone ("when I start media portal it does NOTHING") and the other the TV Server ("even tried to force it to update in the TV server config").

-Make sure you have the correct version of the plugin and in the correct location for the version of MP you are using :)
-Make sure you have the plugin enabled

If you are using the TVServer than the log is the tv.log file and MP stand alone the epg.log file again different locations.
The 1st epg update can take a long time particularly with the tv server depending on the lineup, # days you have specified and your PC speed.
30-60 minutes even

Check the logs, make sure the plugin is launching.
If you r using the TVServer and the plugin is launching but not running an update, you may have to clear you channels and start over.
Sucks, but I could not find a good way to do a transaction with the TVServer DB update so there is no roll back for a partial update .

Let me know if you still have problems.



New Member
September 9, 2008
Hi, patrick, I seem to be having the same problem that others have had, I get the error at the end of the log that says "[SchedulesDirect EPG Client]: Unable to process any channels, have you done an autotune in setup?" I am running TV server 1 RC2. I have tried mySQL and microsofts SQL and it doesn't make a difference. I have deleted the channels and rescanned, and checked the box that tells it to allow channel mapping without frequency's. I have tried all the settings in the config, but no matter what i do, i always get that error. It finds the channels and maps them correctly but, does not load the guide info.
Also, I connect from my direct tv box via S-video to my ati theater 550 pro. so there are no channels to find when i autotune.

any ideas? I have been working on this for 20 hours now.

PS. some specs

AMD 64 3200
1 gig ram
XP pro SP3
dot net framework 3.5
TV Server 1 RC2
ATI theater 550 pro
input is S-Video from a D12-100 directv box


New Member
September 9, 2008
Ok, I am trying not to dance around and hug everyone and everything in sight. I am an idiot. I was using v1.0b instead of v1.1a

It works now, and you are a genius. I never want to deal with an EPG again.:D

Thank you Patrick


Portal Member
February 19, 2008
How would one adjust what EPGs lineups are mapped to a particular channel?

I'm using a Digital Cable box (external) through S/Video that tunes fine and pulls all the correct EPG using the latest SD plugin using MP RC2. The problem I have is with my ATSC channels, which tune fine, but have the wrong lineups mapped to them.

For example CBLTDT which is the ATSC version of my Digital channel CBC HD (513 CBLTDT) shows the wrong lineup (wrong shows). Is there a way I can "tell" or direct the SD plugin to give my ATSC channel CBLTDT the lineup for another channel (513 CBLTDT). I've tried renaming the ATSC channel the same name as the Digital channel, but the SD plugin doesn't seem to use channel name to match it to a lineup.

I have both my digital and analog (antenna) lineups selected in my SD account.
I think we need a tab in MP or the SD plugin that allows you to map lineups to particular channels manually. I would read the manual for the MP SD plugin, but I can't find one, I'd lover to tinker further if I had more information.



Portal Pro
April 20, 2005
Home Country
United States of America United States of America
Ok, I am trying not to dance around and hug everyone and everything in sight. I am an idiot. I was using v1.0b instead of v1.1a

It works now, and you are a genius. I never want to deal with an EPG again.:D

Thank you Patrick


Sorry to reply so late, but I am glad you got it working!!
And thanks for letting us know :)


How would one adjust what EPGs lineups are mapped to a particular channel?

I'm using a Digital Cable box (external) through S/Video that tunes fine and pulls all the correct EPG using the latest SD plugin using MP RC2. The problem I have is with my ATSC channels, which tune fine, but have the wrong lineups mapped to them.

For example CBLTDT which is the ATSC version of my Digital channel CBC HD (513 CBLTDT) shows the wrong lineup (wrong shows). Is there a way I can "tell" or direct the SD plugin to give my ATSC channel CBLTDT the lineup for another channel (513 CBLTDT). I've tried renaming the ATSC channel the same name as the Digital channel, but the SD plugin doesn't seem to use channel name to match it to a lineup.

I have both my digital and analog (antenna) lineups selected in my SD account.
I think we need a tab in MP or the SD plugin that allows you to map lineups to particular channels manually. I would read the manual for the MP SD plugin, but I can't find one, I'd lover to tinker further if I had more information.


Hi Oatz!

Well it is a little hard to tell exactly what happened/is happening with the mapping without checking the log.
But rest assured you are not the first to have problems getting set up with this setup ;)

There is one attempt to "force" a match and that is to name the channel "CBLTDT " (w/o quotes) for example.
This "should" allow you to set the mapping how you want it.

I also always recommend getting one lineup going and working before adding another to SD (or channels to MP).

There was not really an easy way for me to save extra data with large amounts of info,
for example the tab to manually do mapping so I would have no way of knowing if a mapping was manual or automatic

Anyway, if you need anymore help or the forced mapping does not work just let me know and I will take another look.
May have to see a log after an update to tell much more though.



Portal Pro
May 23, 2006
Home Country
United States of America United States of America
Is there a way to update the listings using a user defined schedule? (every other day, etc...) How are updates currently performed?

Also I tried using the filemask series name\episodenumber - episodetitle, but the only part that actually got populated was the series name. The rest was some odd EP number. Am I doing something wrong?

Both of these would be a HUGE help to me, so any help with resolving these issues would be greatly appreciated.

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