Separate timeshift folder from recorded TV folder??? (1 Viewer)


New Member
January 20, 2006
MP Version: 0.1.3
Windows Version: Win XP SP2
CPU Type: Intel Prescott 3.0
Memory: 1GB
Motherboard Chipset: Asus
Video Card: ATI
TV Card: Hauppage 350
TV Card Type: hardware
TV Card Driver:

Is it possible to separate the timeshift folder from the recorded TV folder? The reason is that I would like to place the timeshift folder on a RAM Disk instead of HDD but still would like to be able to record TV and store that on the HDD.

I have searched both registry as well as XML files in Mediaportal folder but haven't yet found any possibilities for what I'm looking for...



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    Not that this solves the problem, the main reason its done this way is to reduce harddisk activity.

    Look at it this way, when Timshifting is on and you then choose to record:

    Same Folder:
    Card -> Timeshift Buffer/Storage

    Different Drive:
    Card -> Timeshift Folder -> HDD Storage

    You essentially get twice as much system IDE activity.

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