Setting up Media Portal - newbie in oz can't scan (1 Viewer)


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  • February 23, 2005
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    Australia Australia
    deeps said:
    autotune didn't find channel 9...The reception is slightly choppy on dntv live... I'm setting it up in my room atm, using rabbit ears.
    OK, the choppyness and the lack of channel 9 is almost certainly due to the marginal signal you are getting from the "rabbit ears" - connect it to a decent external aerial and you should be fine. You will need to run autoune again though, to get the channel 9 data.


    Portal Pro
    April 28, 2006
    hmm i can receive 9 on the DNTV Live software

    anyway, yeh hopefully it is the antenna that's the problem, so will try that later

    Shall try the DVB-S now

    fingers crossed

    thanks heaps for ur help btw :)


    Portal Pro
    April 28, 2006
    i tried the big antenna - all good :)

    Now, will try the DVB-S in a few days time i think. Is it possible to get a "DVD" option on the menu? Or is it only through my videos?

    Can Media Portal grab EPG for Perth?

    Thanks again :)


    Retired Team Member
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  • February 23, 2005
    Home Country
    Australia Australia
    deeps said:
    a "DVD" option on the menu? Or is it only through my videos?
    Only through My Videos...and you can configure MediaPortal to autoplay the DVD from any screen - you first need to disable Windows Autoplay, though.

    deeps said:
    Can Media Portal grab EPG for Perth?
    Yes, I highly recommend you use DUGG - send a PM to "angusmann" and he will give you the details... :)

    Also, turn off the "Grab EPG from DVB" option in Configuration - I have found that it interferes with viewing TV, since most of our channels don't seem to transmit anything useful in the way of EPG data.

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