Setting up the EPG (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
February 2, 2009
Home Country
New Zealand New Zealand

Media Portal has scanned and found all the channels on Freeview HD (does Media Portal play 1080i or just downscale it to Standard Definition) in New Zealand, but I was wondering how I go about getting the EPG to work, as when I go into Media Portal, nothing comes up? Do I have to download the EPG somehow?

I checked the Manual link that popped up before I posted this thread, but it didnt actually tell me how to get it going. Thanks for any help!

SORRY! it must have just needed time to download the EPG info, as its working now.

but does Media Portal actually present HD shows in HD or just Standard def?


Portal Member
February 2, 2009
Home Country
New Zealand New Zealand
hi, oh definitley.

just watched a recorded episode of CSI just now, and its definitley in HD, this program is awesome!

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