Also, related to my issue above, the movie posters that are downloading are low quality, not high quality. I have double checked all my settings and I have them all set to high quality.
I tried this version and previous one (from 17th of jan) and both not working for me anymore.
The version from jan 17 couldn't find any theatres, the newest one can (although I'm missing 2 I had before, cinerama and I think it's called "de lantaarn").
This newest version picks up on 2 cinema's but after downloading "pathé schouwburgplein" (only one I selected) the moviedata.xml is empty.
Just wanted to throw it out there. I like this plugin. It could be the dutch data provider is screwing up or something, dunno.
I attached my complete showtimes folder (since it's so small anyways)
Also, I don't get any fanart in the background anywhere and I used to. I can see it has downloaded, but it is not seen in the skin anywhere.
Hi Nephilim,
I upgraded at new version but I don't find theatre in:
I've this problem from 2-3 days also with older version.
Before It works good.
Can you try if works?