Hello Nephilim and thanks for your update.
I have a problem with MTSA crashing. I can config, but I can't not get the programation data. It's a new instalation. If I execute MTSA directly from the command line (with Admin rights to avoid access problems), MTSA shows:
I atach the log and the config files.
Of course, it happens also from the GUI.
I have a problem with MTSA crashing. I can config, but I can't not get the programation data. It's a new instalation. If I execute MTSA directly from the command line (with Admin rights to avoid access problems), MTSA shows:
Excepción no controlada: System.NullReferenceException: Referencia a objeto no e
stablecida como instancia de un objeto.
en mtsa.AllocineNet.GetMoreMovieData(String htmltext)
en mtsa.AllocineNet.GetComingSoon(Int32 count)
en mtsa.mtsa.GetCountryMovieData(LogFile& oLogFile, MediaLibrary& oMovieLibra
ry, String sCountry, String sLocations, String sTheaters)
en mtsa.mtsa.Main()
I atach the log and the config files.
Of course, it happens also from the GUI.