Silly Newb Question (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
February 26, 2009
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United States of America United States of America
OK so I've got the MediaPortal working, but now I need to find out how to do a few things.

First one is when I"m playing a Song, or Video how do I stop these if I don't yet have a Media Center Remote? I'm using the ole Mouse and Keyboard...

Secondly, when I configured the Video's it did a great job of going out to IMDB and grabbing cover art. How do I get that for Music mp3 files?

OK I think that's enough embarrasing questions for today.




Portal Member
February 26, 2009
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United States of America United States of America
Thanks Juppe. Although the Keys used are ODD, it will help.



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    OK so I've got the MediaPortal working, but now I need to find out how to do a few things.

    Secondly, when I configured the Video's it did a great job of going out to IMDB and grabbing cover art. How do I get that for Music mp3 files?

    If you enable the AudioScrobbler and Last.FM plugins, you can use the coverart grabbert utility. To find it, go into the plugins section of the config utility, find the one of those two that is listed under "Process Plugins" (I think it's AudioScrobbler) and configure it. There is a cover art downloader tab.

    As a note, you'll need a account to use those if you don't already have one.

    Hope this helps.

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