Hi,My German isn't so good (mainly because I can't speak German ..) so I have to reply in English but I thought I should let you know that I have done a skin/graphics for MediaSlayer which I will be posting on the forum thread in a few days.And what diskeeper said above is correct (if my Babelfish translation is right), most plugins will run in BleazleWide, with maybe a few adjustments being required for the font sizes. (see this thread
My German isn't so good (mainly because I can't speak German ..) so I have to reply in English but I thought I should let you know that I have done a skin/graphics for MediaSlayer which I will be posting on the forum thread in a few days.
And what diskeeper said above is correct (if my Babelfish translation is right), most plugins will run in BleazleWide, with maybe a few adjustments being required for the font sizes. (see this thread