Having upgraded to the latest release, I must say things have been very stable and much improved. - Well done.
The only problem I have is with navigating my music files. If the view is set to anything but list view browsing is very slow, can take 5 secs to next page and clicking through the icons has a delay of about 1sec.
My configuration is:
Folder structure: \music\%Album Artist%\%Album Title%\*.*
90% files are mp3 10% wma. 15,000 tracks total
All mp3's have embedded art of various sizes from 64x64 upto 400x400.
All tags are set with Artist, Album Artist i.e. Coldplay, Various Artists if on a complation cd. (I use tag&rename for all tagging)
Each album folder contains a folder.jpg
Database built with default options
View is set to icons by artist.
I have tried changing my skin from X-factor to Blue3 but with not much difference.
I'm thinking my problem is with the folder.jpg size or the embedded art size.
What are the recommended settings and artwork sizes to achieve the best performance?
TV-Server Version: V1.0.1
MediaPortal Version: V1.0.1
MediaPortal Skin: X-Factor
Windows Version: XP MCE SP2
CPU Type: Intel P4 2.4GHz
HDD: Maxtor 40g & 250gb
Memory: PC2100 1GB
Video Card: XFX Ge-Force 6200 agp
Sound Card: Sounblaster Live 1024
Sound Card AC3: AC3 coaxial
1. TV Card: Hauppague WinTV-HVR-1300
1. TV Card Type: Analog, DVB-T
Remote: Microsoft MCE
TV: LG 42" plasma
TV - HTPC Connection: Sub-D
The only problem I have is with navigating my music files. If the view is set to anything but list view browsing is very slow, can take 5 secs to next page and clicking through the icons has a delay of about 1sec.
My configuration is:
Folder structure: \music\%Album Artist%\%Album Title%\*.*
90% files are mp3 10% wma. 15,000 tracks total
All mp3's have embedded art of various sizes from 64x64 upto 400x400.
All tags are set with Artist, Album Artist i.e. Coldplay, Various Artists if on a complation cd. (I use tag&rename for all tagging)
Each album folder contains a folder.jpg
Database built with default options
View is set to icons by artist.
I have tried changing my skin from X-factor to Blue3 but with not much difference.
I'm thinking my problem is with the folder.jpg size or the embedded art size.
What are the recommended settings and artwork sizes to achieve the best performance?
TV-Server Version: V1.0.1
MediaPortal Version: V1.0.1
MediaPortal Skin: X-Factor
Windows Version: XP MCE SP2
CPU Type: Intel P4 2.4GHz
HDD: Maxtor 40g & 250gb
Memory: PC2100 1GB
Video Card: XFX Ge-Force 6200 agp
Sound Card: Sounblaster Live 1024
Sound Card AC3: AC3 coaxial
1. TV Card: Hauppague WinTV-HVR-1300
1. TV Card Type: Analog, DVB-T
Remote: Microsoft MCE
TV: LG 42" plasma
TV - HTPC Connection: Sub-D