When you do not select the "removable thingy" Moving Pictures will automatically remove movies that it cannot find. If you are sure its on a NAS and always accessible by MovPic you do not have to set the removable option. If it is however a external HDD that you sometimes have and sometimes do not have plugged in, it's advisable to define it as removablea) Movie Importer: What exactly is the function of the 'removable' thingy? is it safer to mark that option when your files are on a NAS (always connected, except for power outage)? Will it prevent that movies are being imported twice?.
I think you are imagining only networked drives, not true removable media, and we need to support both. It might be possible to create two types of "removable media" though. "Networked Media" and "Removable Media". The first behaving as you describe, and the second using existing functionality...
Any thoughts?