Some MCE REmote Functions (skip forward) stopped Working (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
January 5, 2009
Home Country
Canada Canada
TV-Server Version:
MediaPortal Version: 1.0
MediaPortal Skin: StreamedMP
Windows Version: XP MC Edition Serv Pk 3
CPU Type: Pent Dual Core E5200 2.5Ghz
Memory: 2.00 Ram
Motherboard: ASUS P5N3-AM
Video Card: RADEON 3450
Video Card Driver: 08.12
Sound Card: VIA High Def Audio
Sound Card AC3:
Sound Card Driver: 6,0,01,1450
1. TV Card:
1. TV Card Type:
1. TV Card Driver:
2. TV Card:
2. TV Card Type:
2. TV Card Driver:
3. TV Card:
3. TV Card Type:
3. TV Card Driver:
4. TV Card:
4. TV Card Type:
4. TV Card Driver:
MPEG2 Video Codec: PDVD8
MPEG2 Audio Codec: MPA Decoder Filter
h.264 Video Codec: h264 Divx
Satelite/CableTV Provider:
HTPC Case:
Power Supply:
TV - HTPC Connection:

In an effort to get my MKV files working properly I finally had success by installing the Divx h264 decoders but now only the basic functions of my MCE remote are working. I used to be able to skip forward +15 secs, +30 secs etc by using the left and right arrow button but now nothing happens. I can't even navigate or select ok to change the aspect ratio. Volume option not working either. Anyone have any advice on how to get these functions going again? I was originally just using SAF 330 but some mkv files would not work.


Well what i have noticed is that All of the remote functions are only working with .mkv files now. anything .avi only basic functions work. Volume, skip forward, Select OK only working with mkv files

This is very strange.


did a full uninstall/reinstall of everyting and still the same issue! wowza...yowza

I can only get full functions from my MCE Remote control if I use my logitech keyboard and double click on the mouse pad first. ONce I exit a movie or Tv Show .avi clip I lose full functionality again and have to start the procedure with the mousepad again.

Nutz or what lol

Is there something that is NOT deleted when you do a complete uninstall that maybe the issue here?



Portal Pro
January 5, 2009
Home Country
Canada Canada
no solutions for me either. Just living with it now. I only get full functionality of the remote if I am playing a .mkv file



Portal Pro
January 5, 2009
Home Country
Canada Canada
Just to update.

Everything seemed to fix itself once I decided to upgrade everything to the new Test SVN of the week. Not a recomendation, just saying that it seemed to fix whatever was fubard with my MCE Remote.

All back to normal now...hehe


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