Some tested harddrives (2 Viewers)


Portal Pro
April 13, 2005
Vaasa / Sulva
Home Country
Finland Finland
tkortell said:
I have a Maxtor DiamondMax 10 250GB. It gets werry hot and vibrates quite muche...

I have a Silverstone FP53 on the way, I'll let you know if this helps...

Silverstone FP53 ->

I finally received the Silverstone FP53, The first thing I noticed when I opened the package was the tiny fan. I immediately plugged the fan in to check how noisy it is and boy was it noisy. There was now way I would put a silencing product in my computer that actually has more noise then the computer as it is. I removed the little fan and then mounted the FP53 in my computer and without the fan it really does it's job. I just don’t understand why Silverstone added the fan.

Regards / Tomas


Portal Pro
October 15, 2004
Home Country
Sweden Sweden
hakuna said:
Have anyone tested the "HTPC" disks from Samsung, i.e. the V120CE series. The rpm is 5400 and memory 2Mb, does this have a big influence on performance?
I will use a new disk with my 1GHz, will I notice any difference? How about with a 3200+?

How do you mean "velcro", do you have a picture or a link so I can see how to do that myself?


I answer myself, I bought the V120CE and it's quiet. It's not silent, but I think once I insulate my box and put on the cover I won't hear it.
I bought a P120 SATA at the same time for a friend and put them next to each other. I could only test them in idle since I don't have SATA2 mobo.
The V120CE had half as much "whiss" as the SATA2, I believe it's consistent with the difference (2,8/2,5? bel) in the specs.

I can hear the hacking on my V120CE, sorry, but I don't have any other new disks to compare this with.

I remembered velcro from Garden state I think was the film, where a dude (the guy from Scrubs?) invents silent velcro. :)


Tech Geek

Portal Pro
January 29, 2006
Denver, CO USA
Well... I've found that no matter what kind of drive you get it's quieter with rubber mounts. Most of the drive noise you hear is transmitted to the case and that can even amplify the noise.
Sadly there aren't that many cases that have that kind of mounts.

I have Samsung, Seagate, Western Digital and Maxtor drives in various machines. I *think* the Samsung is quietest, then the Seagate, Maxtor and Western Digital (except the externals which are very quiet).

I think it has as much to do with what model you get as it does with manufacturer. Avoid the "Special Edition" budget models if noise is a concern. They seem to be louder in my experience.

Rather than just posting size info it might help to give the model #.
But I'm not ripping into any cases to get that. ;)


Portal Pro
April 6, 2005
I am by no means a HDD expert and haven't tested different drives but would like to add something to this interesting discussion.

I have two Spinpoint 200 gb drives and they are resonably silent but I would like to have them in my living room (nor would my wife :) ). I bought two Silverstone FP53 hard drive coolers which also have an anti-vibration design that helps reduce noise. Basically it's four vibration dampening pads made out of rubber. The main reason I got 'em though, was to cool the HDDs down but was pleasently suprised about that nice side-effect.


More info here -

** Oh,by the way. I'm not trying to advertize here...just so you know **


Portal Pro
April 13, 2005
Vaasa / Sulva
Home Country
Finland Finland
moltas said:
I am by no means a HDD expert and haven't tested different drives but would like to add something to this interesting discussion.

I have two Spinpoint 200 gb drives and they are resonably silent but I would like to have them in my living room (nor would my wife :) ). I bought two Silverstone FP53 hard drive coolers which also have an anti-vibration design that helps reduce noise. Basically it's four vibration dampening pads made out of rubber. The main reason I got 'em though, was to cool the HDDs down but was pleasently suprised about that nice side-effect.

More info here -

** Oh,by the way. I'm not trying to advertize here...just so you know **

Did you also use the smal fan?? I removed it as soon as I realised how noisy it was.

R / tk


  • Team MediaPortal
  • December 21, 2005
    Home Country
    Norway Norway
    Seagate's new 7200.9 series is intresting. Seagate has the biggest platter density on the market (160BG), thus lower heat (-> less cooling needed), and quieter.

    My recommendations:
    The 160GB 7200.9 is only one platter, but perhaps to small?
    I've decided to go for a 300GB with to platers (2x "amputated" 160GB). Same size from WD, Maxtor etc. has 3 platters. It also got 16MB cache.

    I'm waiting for the postman to arrive with mine. I'll give feedback, if needed, but there are so many reviews around that I honestly don't see the point;

    ... different sizes

    Gonna return a WD 250GB/16MB SATA"2", due to heat problems

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