Sometimes No TV picture (2 Viewers)


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  • October 1, 2013
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    Go to windows audio settings and check if a audio device is present. In my case HDMI detected the video device and audio device was "none" - therefore no audio and MP did not like it ;-)


    Retired Team Member
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  • September 1, 2008
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    Hmmm, it may be tricky to help you Jacob.

    [2014-12-07 19:32:51,956] [Error ] [TvClient-TvHome: HeartBeat transmitter thread] [ERROR] - TvPlugin and TvServer don't have the same version.
    TvServer Version:
    TvPlugin Version: 1.9.0

    Although it is unlikely, unexpected issues can happen when not using the same version of plugin and server. Honestly I don't really want to spend a lot of time only to find that the problem was caused by a cross-version compatibility issue. ;)

    Also, the missing TV Server logs could be helpful, and unfortunately the MediaPortal logs are only "info" level (rather than "debug"). :(

    Despite the above...
    In general my sense is that you have a different problem to blub. Something related to network connectivity.
    From the TsReader log for live TV:
    [2014-12-07 19:33:01,120] [1a3beaf8] [ 988] - New channel found (PAT/PMT/SDT changed)
    [2014-12-07 19:33:01,120] [1a3beaf8] [ 988] - pcr pid: 30
    [2014-12-07 19:33:01,120] [1a3beaf8] [ 988] - pmt pid: 20
    [2014-12-07 19:33:01,120] [1a3beaf8] [ 988] - video pid: 30 type: H264
    [2014-12-07 19:33:01,120] [1a3beaf8] [ 988] - audio pid: 40 language: dan type: LATM AAC
    [2014-12-07 19:33:01,120] [1a3beaf8] [ 988] - Subtitle pid: 50 language: dan type: DVB subtitle 2
    [2014-12-07 19:33:01,120] [1a3beaf8] [ 988] - Subtitle pid: 51 language: dan type: DVB subtitle 2

    [2014-12-07 19:33:11,125] [1a3beaf8] [ 988] - open \\\timeshift\live5-0.ts.tsbuffer, isTimeshift:1, isUNC:1
    [2014-12-07 19:33:12,153] [1a3beaf8] [ 988] - audPin:CompleteConnect() ok, filter: LAV Audio Decoder
    [2014-12-07 19:33:13,195] [1a3beaf8] [ 988] - CTsReaderFilter::pause() - IsTimeShifting = 1 - state = 0

    Compared to the recording:
    [2014-12-07 19:33:54,117] [1a4970c0] [ 988] - New channel found (PAT/PMT/SDT changed)
    [2014-12-07 19:33:54,117] [1a4970c0] [ 988] - pcr pid: 30
    [2014-12-07 19:33:54,117] [1a4970c0] [ 988] - pmt pid: 20
    [2014-12-07 19:33:54,117] [1a4970c0] [ 988] - video pid: 30 type: H264
    [2014-12-07 19:33:54,117] [1a4970c0] [ 988] - audio pid: 40 language: dan type: AC3

    [2014-12-07 19:33:54,160] [1a4970c0] [ 988] - open \\\recordedtv\Fodbold_ AaB-F.C. København - TV3+ HD - 2014-05-15.ts, isTimeshift:0, isUNC:1
    [2014-12-07 19:33:54,716] [1a4970c0] [ 988] - demux:GetVideoStreamType(), FPS from DTS/PTS = 25.000000, DTSdiff/PTSdiff/MPEG2 = 0.040000/0.040000/0.000000, DTS/PTS count = 15/18
    [2014-12-07 19:33:54,719] [1a4970c0] [ 988] - audPin:CompleteConnect() ok, filter: LAV Audio Decoder
    [2014-12-07 19:33:54,742] [1a4970c0] [ 988] - vidPin:CompleteConnect() ok, filter: LAV Video Decoder
    [2014-12-07 19:33:54,765] [1a4970c0] [ 988] - subPin:CompleteConnect() ok, filter: MediaPortal DVBSub3

    Important point to note is that there is no video codec connected for the live TV scenario, even though the PMT said there is a video stream.
    My guess is that TsReader does not have proper access to the timeshift file for some reason. Possibly a firewall; possibly security configuration; possibly some other UNC issue. I don't know. @Owlsroost may be able to help/explain better than I can.



    Portal Pro
    April 14, 2005
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    Denmark Denmark
    Hi MM,

    Thanks for your reply. I know my server and client versions are different. I just upgraded the tv-server a couple of days ago but the "no tv" issue has been there for much longer so I dont think thats the problem. I will make sure to change logging to debug the next time and to also include the tv-server logs.



    Portal Pro
    April 14, 2005
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    Denmark Denmark
    Found the log from TV-server yesterday. Cleaned it up a bit so it only shows the time around when the error occured. Hope thats ok.


    Retired Team Member
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  • September 1, 2008
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    Thanks for the service log. Actually when I said TV Server logs, I was more interested in the TsWriter log. Do you also have that?


    Retired Team Member
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  • October 28, 2008
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    My guess is that TsReader does not have proper access to the timeshift file for some reason. Possibly a firewall; possibly security configuration; possibly some other UNC issue. I don't know

    I agree - from the TsReader log:

    [2014-12-07 19:33:01,120] [1a3beaf8] [ 988] -  video    pid:   30 type: H264
    [2014-12-07 19:33:01,120] [1a3beaf8] [ 988] -  audio    pid:   40 language: dan type: LATM AAC
    [2014-12-07 19:33:01,120] [1a3beaf8] [ 988] -  Subtitle pid:   50 language: dan type: DVB subtitle 2
    [2014-12-07 19:33:01,120] [1a3beaf8] [ 988] -  Subtitle pid:   51 language: dan type: DVB subtitle 2
    [2014-12-07 19:33:01,120] [1a3beaf8] [ 988] - Setting initial audio index to : 0
    [2014-12-07 19:33:01,120] [1a3beaf8] [ 988] - OnNewChannel: OnRequestAudioChange()
    [2014-12-07 19:33:01,120] [1a3beaf8] [ 988] - demux:Wait for Audio stream selection :1
    [2014-12-07 19:33:01,128] [1a3beaf8] [ 988] - SetAudioStream : 0
    [2014-12-07 19:33:01,128] [1a3beaf8] [ 988] - Old Audio -1, New Audio 17
    [2014-12-07 19:33:01,128] [1a3beaf8] [ 988] - demux:Wait for Audio stream selection :0
    [2014-12-07 19:33:01,128] [1a3beaf8] [ 988] - OnNewChannel: New Audio 17
    [2014-12-07 19:33:11,121] [1a3beaf8] [ 988] - demux:Start() end2 BytesProcessed:161680, DTS/PTS count = 13/15

    Note the 10 second gap between the last two log lines - it's waited 10s for enough stream data to be available so that it can decode the first video GOP to find out the video frame size etc. (it needs this to be able to connect the video decode filter). Normally this would take less than a second.

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