Sometimes scheduled recordings show up in the guide, sometimes not. (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
March 3, 2011
Home Country
United Kingdom United Kingdom
Hi there,

I have noted something a bit irritating since I had to move back to MP 1.2.3.

If I schedule a recording, it immediately shows up in the EPG with a red background.

However, some of these recordings stop showing up and I cannot work out what it is that makes some of them disappear and not others - I have tried to look for patterns such as all on a certain channel or whether it is only for series recordsing rather than one-off recordings, but it does seem random.

It is not a major problem (but is irritating) because the recordings always take place but if I try to record something that was scheduled but lost its red background, it just adds another timer in the schedule.

Is there any solution to this?

I have noticied that sometimes, the red backgrounds suddenly comes back after a few days (sometimes). The only semi-soluction I have found so far is to cancel the schedule and make it again, which sort of defies the point of series record.




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  • September 1, 2008
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    Hello Alex

    Could it be the start/end time of the program changing by a few minutes?

    1. What skin do you use.
    2. How to you get EPG data?


    Portal Pro
    March 3, 2011
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Hi mm,

    I am currently using the wide version of the default skin.

    EPG-wise, I am using DJBlu's Sky EPG grabber, plus DVB-T grabbing using my freeview cards to add channel information for a couple of channels that won't populate with the Sky grabber - e.g. channel 301.




    Portal Pro
    March 3, 2011
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    I had to do a complete reinstall of MP the other day and decided to use the Sky Grabber only. Things are not 100% but most of the scheduled recordings are being highlighted in the EPG now.

    Is using two EPG sources for the same channel somehow messing things up?

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