Soundgraph VFD Timer (1 Viewer)


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  • November 10, 2007

    I'm trying to get a program running, which sets the Alarm Time of the VFD (iMONVFD_SetAlarmON), so that I can shutdown my system and it gets wakeup by the VFD. I found some programs on the internet on how to do this and I was able to compile and link everything - but now I'm at a point where help from an expert is necessary: I don't get past the initialization of the DLL :(

    This is part of my code:
    if ( !iMONVFD_IsInited() )
    if ( iMONVFD_Init(0x4, 0x8888, 0) )

    and so on...

    iMONVFD_Init never returns a true :( ... as well as iMONVFD_isInited :(

    I'm not sure about 3 things:
    1) if I pass the right parameters (having the 2 line VFD)

    2) I'm not using MP to handle the VFD - it's done by iMON itself. So I copied my program
    to the installation folder of iMON. Is that the right place ?

    3) If I do like described in 2), shouldn't iMONVFD_IsInited return already a true ?

    Would be great to get some help.


    Well, I got past this point. If I close iMON then I get access to the display :D and my text is diplayed as well ... Looks like only one programm can handle the display at one time.

    .. but :mad: the system didn't wake up at the specified time :confused: which I have set with iMONVFD_SetAlarmON (return value of this function was "true")

    2 new questions:
    1) Are there any other procedures I have to use so that the system wakes up ? (Using Version 6.....)

    2) If I use the timer function of iMON, the display changes between the actual date/time and the
    next wake-up time. Any ideas how to manage this ?

    Mh, wouldn't it be possible to have this function directly in MP ?



    MP Donator
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  • November 10, 2007
    May be I'm using the wrong function to set the wakeup time. Right now I'm using SetAlarmON. It looks like there is another function available: "SetWakeupData" - but I have no example with the parameters.

    Does somebody know the parameters of this function ?



    Portal Member
    February 7, 2005
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    Italy Italy
    sorry but i don't understand german, can you reply here in english?

    i download "" but how to use ?



    MP Donator
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  • November 10, 2007
    Hello giovifree,
    I have added an english description to my thread on the PVR Scheduler page.

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