Stab le to Crash Overnivght (1 Viewer)


New Member
March 9, 2013
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United States of America United States of America
The other night my once solid as a rock MP install began crashing. Sometimes when it crashes, it totally freezes, othe times it will blank the fan arts or episode images and say it cannot play the specified file. whn it does the latter, i can ctrl alt del but all i can do is restart the system. it has caused a couple watchdog collections, which i am posting the most current zip.



Documentation Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • April 1, 2010
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom

    Looks like Online videos problem in database.

    MediaPortal log

    2013-03-08 22:45:38.465709 [Info.][(12)]: SQLiteClient: cmd:sqlite3_step err:ERROR detailed:confused:QL logic error or missing database query:
    update online_series SET HasLocalFiles = HasLocalFiles_Temp
    2013-03-08 22:45:41.643891 [Info.][(12)]: SQLiteClient: Closing database:
    2013-03-08 22:45:41.677893 [Info.][(12)]: SQLiteClient: cmd:sqlite3_prepare16:pvm=null err:
    NOMEM detailed:eek:ut of memory query:select online_episodes.CompositeID, online_episodes.EpisodeID, online_episodes.SeriesID,
    online_episodes.EpisodeIndex as online_episodesEpisodeIndex , online_episodes.SeasonIndex, online_episodes.EpisodeName,
    online_episodes.Watched, online_episodes.Summary, online_episodes.FirstAired, online_episodes.OnlineDataImported,
    online_episodes.GuestStars, online_episodes.Director, online_episodes.Writer, online_episodes.Hidden,
    online_episodes.lastupdated, online_episodes.ThumbUrl, online_episodes.thumbFilename, online_episodes.follwit_id,
    online_episodes.Combined_episodenumber, online_episodes.Combined_season, online_episodes.DVD_chapter,
    online_episodes.DVD_episodenumber, online_episodes.DVD_season, online_episodes.EpImgFlag, online_episodes.IMDB_ID,
    online_episodes.Language, online_episodes.ProductionCode, online_episodes.Rating, online_episodes.RatingCount,
    online_episodes.absolute_number, online_episodes.airsafter_season, online_episodes.airsbefore_episode,
    online_episodes.airsbefore_season, online_episodes.seasonid, local_episodes.EpisodeFilename, local_episodes.OriginalComposite,
    local_episodes.CompositeID, local_episodes.SeriesID, local_episodes.SeasonIndex, local_episodes.EpisodeIndex,
    local_episodes.LocalEpisodeName, local_episodes.LocalImportProcessed, local_episodes.CompositeUpdated,
    local_episodes.AvailableSubtitles, local_episodes.OriginalComposite2, local_episodes.CompositeID2,
    local_episodes.EpisodeIndex2, local_episodes.videoWidth, local_episodes.videoHeight, local_episodes.FileDateAdded,
    local_episodes.FileDateCreated, local_episodes.IsAvailable, local_episodes.DateWatched, local_episodes.ext,
    local_episodes.VolumeLabel, local_episodes.localPlaytime, local_episodes.VideoCodec, local_episodes.VideoFormat,
    local_episodes.VideoFormatProfile, local_episodes.VideoBitrate, local_episodes.VideoFrameRate, local_episodes.VideoAspectRatio,
    local_episodes.AudioCodec, local_episodes.AudioFormat, local_episodes.AudioFormatProfile, local_episodes.AudioBitrate,
    local_episodes.AudioChannels, local_episodes.AudioTracks, local_episodes.TextCount, local_episodes.StopTime from online_episodes
    left join local_episodes on (local_episodes.CompositeID=online_episodes.CompositeID)
    where local_episodes.EpisodeFilename != '' and local_episodes.videoWidth = 0 and local_episodes.localPlaytime > '-5'
    and online_episodes.CompositeID not in (select distinct local_episodes.CompositeID2 from local_episodes
    where local_episodes.CompositeID2 != '') union select online_episodes.CompositeID, online_episodes.EpisodeID,
    online_episodes.SeriesID, online_episodes.EpisodeIndex as online_episodesEpisodeIndex , online_episodes.SeasonIndex,
    online_episodes.EpisodeName, online_episodes.Watched, online_episodes.Summary, online_episodes.FirstAired,
    online_episodes.OnlineDataImported, online_episodes.GuestStars, online_episodes.Director, online_episodes.Writer,
    online_episodes.Hidden, online_episodes.lastupdated, online_episodes.ThumbUrl, online_episodes.thumbFilename,
    online_episodes.follwit_id, online_episodes.Combined_episodenumber, online_episodes.Combined_season,
    online_episodes.DVD_chapter, online_episodes.DVD_discid, online_episodes.DVD_episodenumber,
    online_episodes.DVD_season, online_episodes.EpImgFlag, online_episodes.IMDB_ID, online_episodes.Language,
    online_episodes.ProductionCode, online_episodes.Rating, online_episodes.RatingCount,
    online_episodes.airsafter_season, online_episodes.airsbefore_episode, online_episodes.airsbefore_season,
    online_episodes.seasonid, local_episodes.EpisodeFilename, local_episodes.OriginalComposite, local_episodes.CompositeID,
    local_episodes.SeriesID, local_episodes.SeasonIndex, local_episodes.EpisodeIndex, local_episodes.LocalEpisodeName,
    local_episodes.LocalImportProcessed, local_episodes.CompositeUpdated, local_episodes.AvailableSubtitles,
    local_episodes.OriginalComposite2, local_episodes.CompositeID2, local_episodes.EpisodeIndex2, local_episodes.videoWidth,
    local_episodes.videoHeight, local_episodes.FileDateAdded, local_episodes.FileDateCreated, local_episodes.IsAvailable,
    local_episodes.DateWatched, local_episodes.ext, local_episodes.VolumeLabel, local_episodes.localPlaytime,
    local_episodes.VideoCodec, local_episodes.VideoFormat, local_episodes.VideoFormatProfile, local_episodes.VideoBitrate,
    local_episodes.VideoFrameRate, local_episodes.VideoAspectRatio, local_episodes.AudioCodec, local_episodes.AudioFormat,
    local_episodes.AudioFormatProfile, local_episodes.AudioBitrate, local_episodes.AudioChannels, local_episodes.AudioTracks,
    local_episodes.TextCount, local_episodes.StopTime from online_episodes
    left join local_episodes on (local_episodes.CompositeID2=online_episodes.CompositeID)
    where local_episodes.EpisodeFilename != ''
    and local_episodes.videoWidth = 0 and local_episodes.localPlaytime > '-5' and local_episodes.CompositeID2 != ''
    order by online_episodesEpisodeIndex asc 2

    OnLine Plugin

    [03-08 22:37:03,658] [OVInit ] [INFO ] Using language 'en'
    [03-08 22:37:04,548] [OVInit ] [INFO ] Thumbnails will be stored in C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Thumbs\OnlineVideos\ with a maximum age of 100 days.
    [03-08 22:37:07,653] [OVInit ] [INFO ] Loaded 125 sites from OnlineVideoSites.xml
    [03-08 22:37:17,881] [OVInit ] [WARN ] SiteUtil with name: MyVideoSerien not found!
    [03-08 22:37:18,548] [OVInit ] [WARN ] HardwareInfo - could not set Configuration Value: nextPageRegExUrlDecoding. Error: Requested value 'true' was not found.
    [03-08 22:37:18,568] [OVInit ] [WARN ] SiteUtil with name: LuckyTV not found!
    [03-08 22:37:19,329] [OVInit ] [INFO ] Created 121 SiteUtils
    [03-08 22:37:20,976] [OVLatest ] [INFO ] LatestVideosManager getting new data from SiteUtils.

    I've split the line to make it readable, looks a horrendously complex and possibly slightly bizzare (but I don't know plugin or it's DB, so that's an observation, not a fact:)

    Suggest you disable online vidoes and see where that takes you - hopfully, basic service back.

    If so, how you fix the DB, hopefully someone else will chip in once clear it's the source of the problem.

    Cheers - JCMP


    New Member
    March 9, 2013
    Home Country
    United States of America United States of America
    Yeah, I disabled Online Videos and it is still crashing. What I find is odd, sometimes when it crashes, it does not activate WatchDog. It simply hangs and freezes up the computer. Any other things I can try? I am about at wits end. The wife and kids use the system the most, and their incessant complaining has me ready to do a clean install of MP! LOL!


    Documentation Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • April 1, 2010
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom

    Had a re look at your log files - MPTV-Series may be problem, in best IT Crowd advise more - have you tried turning it off and an on again?

    Check if there is a backup copy of the database, if MPTVSeries is the problem, you may be able to roll back to earlier version and simply do a catch up.

    And yep, many of know the joys of down'd box with wife & sprogs looking over shoulder:-< As you have very similar hardware to me (dual ATOM ION based system) suspect a reinstall is quite slow - even booting from USB with SSD full Win 7 install takes me about 2hrs.

    Didn't check, but hopefully your content is separate from the main system?

    Good luck, suspect you may need a bit.

    TTFN - JCMP.

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