Starting work on Techno Trend Premium support (1 Viewer)



Great Work ....

I also have a Nexus-S that hopefully we can get it to work soon...
I have been waiting for this to happen for along time... :D


Retired Team Member
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  • December 17, 2005
    Just a quick note to let everyone know that I am making progress. I was able to detect/initialize the card for the first time in MP last night. I was very happy indeed. :)

    My plan has changed somewhat. Originally, I intended to go straight to writing a Directshow filter that interfaces with the card through the TT Premium SDK. However, I don't understand the ins and outs of the MP IGraph interface enough to go straight to the Directshow filter. So I am going to experiment with the code for a little while to make sure I understand how it should function under various situations before I move into writing the Directshow filter.

    Either way, progress is being made and I am still optimistic about a solution within the next month.



    Portal Pro
    December 22, 2004
    Drak, I keep checking this thread twice a day and am always very happy to find a new status update, especially such a positive one! Congrats for your progress and I hope you get around the DS filter stuff without problems! I am really anxious to plug my nexus into my htpc! AMOF, have you had a chance to read my PM regarding MDAPI and ProgDVB API plugins?

    Thanks again for your work!

    Cheers, Libor


    Retired Team Member
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  • December 17, 2005
    Thanks CodeMonkey.

    liborc, yes I have. I do plan on supporting MDPlugins, however this is a step after I get the initial card support and graph working. The amount of information related to supporting MDPlugins is very small and very sketchy and don't want to bite off more than I can chew at once.

    If anyone can find information on the specific functions, parameters, and messages you have to handle in order to support MDPlugins, please post it to this thread. I can't seem to get a handle on much information about it and the more information I get, the more likely I will be to add the support for it.

    Thanks again,


    Portal Pro
    April 13, 2005
    Vaasa / Sulva
    Home Country
    Finland Finland
    I dought myself a TT budget card and like it alot and are thinking of getting another one. But after reading this thread I might even go for the TT Premium card.

    Keep up the good work ;)

    Regards // Tomas


    Portal Pro
    December 22, 2004
    draktheas said:
    Thanks CodeMonkey.

    liborc, yes I have. I do plan on supporting MDPlugins, however this is a step after I get the initial card support and graph working. The amount of information related to supporting MDPlugins is very small and very sketchy and don't want to bite off more than I can chew at once.

    If anyone can find information on the specific functions, parameters, and messages you have to handle in order to support MDPlugins, please post it to this thread. I can't seem to get a handle on much information about it and the more information I get, the more likely I will be to add the support for it.

    Thanks again,

    Sure Drak, I understand MDAPI must come after the generic TT premium support. I just wanted to get a sneak peek at what we all can look forward to! ;-)

    With regards to MDAPI documentation, I have the original Multidec 8.3a sourcecode. A skillful programmer could certainly get a very good idea of what MDPlugins/emulating software must look like. Other than that, there is merely one MDPlugin sourcecode I could find out there.

    You can download both from here

    ProgDVB implements some (or all?) of the MDAPI specs plus some proprietary APIs. A very brief doc can be found here:

    I hope this helps you some. If not, I can look for some more info, but I believe that would involve a heavier search in the fora and/or contacting some of the authors... I will gladly do this, but please tell first me whether the info from the sources I listed above was sufficient or not.

    Thanks again,


    Retired Team Member
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  • December 17, 2005
    liborc, thanks for the info. I had already found the link for ProgDVB however, I didn't know that the Multidec source code was available. I downloaded it and took a look and the information is indeed there in the source code.

    I don't want to get off on too much of a tangient about MDPlugins on this thread (I will start a new thread once I start working on it), I will say that implementing 'complete' support for MDPlugins is going to be a huge task of it's own. Full MDPlugins support not only will require MP to call out to DLL functions but also accept and handle incoming WIN32 message pump messages from the plugins and take the appropriate action. This is a big chunk of work.

    On much more persistent and progressive note, I got the TTPremium card to tune to all my transponders and get signal levels last night in MP. Wheeeehhheeeeewww! Some actual functionality is working now. I am hoping I can squirrel away some time this weekend and get it to the point that MP is displaying video/audio. Of course my kids and wife might have something to say about that. :)



    Portal Pro
    December 22, 2004
    man! you just made my mouth water! mediaportal about to tune to channels and display audio and video? seems like we could get a pre-alpha preview sometime soon! Thumbs up and good luck!
    (As for your wife and kids, I really wish your wife's sister would show up and ask them to go for a no-Daddy weekend at your parents-in-law's!) :wink:


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  • December 17, 2005
    Well, I didn't get much time this weekend to work on things. I did get some ensomniatic hours last night, but didn't make much progress as I was more doing research into how MP does everything than actually writing code.

    After last night's foray into the MP code, I now realize I am going to have to write a DirectShow filter to make any more progress. Everything in MP expects the filter for a card to be the source of all data, PMT, EPG, and TS. AFAIK there is no way to push a raw data stream into the MP Stream Analyzer (the goto guy of DS stream filters for MP) without writing a filter.

    So although last week I was able to quickly add support for grabbing channel data from the transponders. Anything beyond that is going to require me to write the filter. It may be a while before I have any new updates, but I will keep you posted on any significant changes.


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