Stop TV-Server (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
July 27, 2008

I have been using MP for a while and have just upgraded to 1.0.1 which is great but I dont use TV-Server and now when I start MP there is a long delay while it waits for startup of TV service, how can I disable this to improve my load time?



Portal Member
March 6, 2007
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Israel Israel
My personal experience when upgrading from 1.0.0 to 1.0.1 was that the TV-Service did not remember the custom password I set to the SQL Server database. This prevented the TV-Service from starting-up properly (and also prevented watching TV...), and consequently caused MP to try starting-up the service every time it (MP) started, with no success. Try to run the TV-Server Configuration which will prompt you for the password, enter the correct password and the problem should be solved. It worked for me.

Let me know if it helped...


Portal Member
July 27, 2008
I ended up uninstalling TV-Server which did the trick.

I darent go through the trouble of setting up TV-Server, I have been setting up MP to play backed up Blu Rays including TrueHD this week which has been very time consuming!

Thanks for your help

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