Strange artifacts after upgrade to MP 1.4 (1 Viewer)


Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • September 27, 2009
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    Since the upgrade, I'm experiencing artifacts when navigating through the menus.

    I'm using a patched version of Black glass, which is ofcourse not officially supported, but I thought I'll try to get some response/tips anyway.

    There are three things that are the most prominent:
    - When switching from one screen to another, a black screen is briefly visible during the transition of the old screen to the new one (I mean menu-screens here, not monitors)
    - When scrolling through a list (of videos, pictures, whatever), there are some ghost effects visible (highlight of previous item is removed, highlight of new item is shown, and then the highlight of the previous is shown and then removed again)
    - Also when scrolling through a list, sometimes the whole screen is briefly shifted to the left.

    It's only visible on my htpc with my patched black glass, not with titan, and not with default skin.
    With neither of those 3 skins it's visible on my dev-pc.

    Could it be that I messed up the patch? I only replaced the ToggleButton by CheckButton and increased the MP-version, so I hardly think that could be the cause.

    Or is there something changed in the skin engine which backfires on me now? If so, how can I tune my machine to handle that?

    Any ideas (apart from buying a faster GPU) are welcome!

    Edit: where is the "show system specs" under my avatar? In other forums it is visible...
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    MP Donator
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  • August 15, 2009
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    England England
    Interesting, I see something a lot like what you described but I see it in both Titan and DefaultWide. I haven't posted about it because I wanted to do more troubleshooting first, but so far when I saw it after upgrading from 1.3, I then tried a clean install of 1.4 and it's still there. No such issue in 1.3. Have a look at this crappy phone video showing the effect I'm talking about, is that similar to your issue?


    Retired Team Member
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  • January 7, 2005
    You both are using (according the System Specs) really low end GPUs, it is highly likely that the DirectX related changes (pure device etc.) in 1.4.0 are causing the issues for really old HW.


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • September 27, 2009
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    That is indeed what I'm seeing also, but I'm not very pleased to hear tourettes remark :(

    Is there something that can be done to improve this?
    And are there any benefits to those DirectX changes, because up to 1.3 I didn't have any problems with the way directx was used (smooth menu handling, dxva working nicely: playback of 1080p without any glitches, etc)


    MP Donator
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  • August 15, 2009
    Home Country
    England England
    Yeah, it will be unfortunate if machines that can handle Windows 7 Aero effects and play HD video easily can't handle the MePo GUI. But then again maybe it will force me into a long overdue upgrade.

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