exactly, the idea would be to treat the rar files as folders. This feature would be great! I know Xbox Media Center has this feature, why not borrow the code from them?
I'm nto familiar with the XBOX MC you'r reffering to - when you start "playing RAR" file does it start playing righ away or does it unpack the archive first?
Not being able to play rar-archives is the one and only reason why i have not yet thrown out my old XBMC and replaced it with Media Portal. In XBMC you can start downloading the first rar file and immediately begin playback even if the media file isn't finished downloading.
Playing rar-archives in Media Portal would make me buy a new htpc tomorrow
It would be really nice to have that function, but like Infinityloop said there are more important features to implement. Like a rock stable tv-server for instance.
It would be really nice to have that function, but like Infinityloop said there are more important features to implement. Like a rock stable tv-server for instance.