Here's a bit more refined set for an example:
Basically, every line before the last one translates problematic characters into the 0-255 character code range. The last line then filters out all remaining double-byte characters by replacing them with spaces. Feel free to add new ones as you need them (see e.g. this JS replacement example).
Sample for translating variations of capital N (add before the [^\u0000-\u00FF] line):
Replace With Is Regex
[\u2018-\u201b] ' x
[\u201c-\u201f] " x
\p{Pd} - x
\u2024 . x
\u2025 .. x
\u2026 ... x
\u2047 ?? x
\u2048 ?! x
\u2049 !? x
€ e
[^\u0000-\u00FF] <space> x
Basically, every line before the last one translates problematic characters into the 0-255 character code range. The last line then filters out all remaining double-byte characters by replacing them with spaces. Feel free to add new ones as you need them (see e.g. this JS replacement example).
Sample for translating variations of capital N (add before the [^\u0000-\u00FF] line):
Replace With Is Regex