subtitle issue (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
November 19, 2010
MediaPortal Version: 1.2.3

Okay this is a weird thing.
MP 1.2.3
No specific OS updates, box runnin on vista 32bit,
and everything running smooth as ever...
Then out of the blue, since yesterday subtitle showing freaks out.
When starting a movie or tvep, after 14-15 minutes, it starts the sub again from the beginning. (same deal on .srt as with vobsub files)

I presumed maybe older plugins or MP needs renewing.
MP 1.2.3 is latest final, so nothing changed
changed => MP-TVSeries- (latest version)
changed => StreamedMP- (latest version)

Did double check the MPC-HT for sub, all as is in forum.
problem remains.

more even... when u watched a movie for an amount of time (example 5m (any random time same deal) if you pause the movie and resume, subs will run normal on sync.
If the movie is stopped and at a later date u press 'play' and then opt for the resume option where you left off, let's say the 5m as from previous example, then the video and audio starts as should but the sub starts from the beginning.

This problem occurs in both tvseries and in movies. so to my best knowledge not specifically plugin related (mytvseries/movies).
Either streamedmp or mp itself is causing a malfunction in this.
Havent found anything remotely tot this problem in forum, would appriciate any help or pointers to fix this.
The wife and kids need the subs, and ofcus its all for the wife and the kids it is what we do...
thanks in advance for all the help
if any logs or info is further needed, pls afvise which ones

Steps to Reproduce:
- start movie, subs run normal
- start movie, pauze movie, restart movie, subs run normal
- start movie, stop movie... restart at later date, video and audio start normal and where one left off, subs start from beginning

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