Suggestion on Optical-out, Dolby and DTS (1 Viewer)

G.B. Wolf

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  • March 22, 2007
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    Germany Germany
    Ah... the UK site is a little bit clearer than the German version. The X-Fi music is the card I've got and I can greatly recommend it. If you need PCI-E it'd take the new "Audio". I don't believe that this card cannot decode DD/DTS by hardware since they should have the same chip, but if you wanna be sure, why not simply ask creative. ;)

    But for that site... the technical specs are stupid. There are shops out there who offer more details. :rolleyes:


    Portal Member
    August 22, 2007
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Reply from Creative regarding X-Fi

    Dear Rana
    1. There is not hardware support for decoding of DD/DTS these cards. 
    Free PowerDVD download is available though to enable DD/DTS software 
    2. Xtreme Audio PCI Express is not a THX certified card, unfortunately.
    If we can be of assistance in the future please do not hesitate to 
    contact us on this matter.
    Please retain all the previous correspondence when replying to this 
    Best Regards
    Creative Customer Support Services
    Creative Labs Europe

    To add further to this note: "X-Fi Xtreme Audio" IS NOT a X-Fi chipset based card; instead its a rebadged Audigy chipset.

    According to most reviews; the chipset (including the DAC) is same in all other X-Fi model except the most expensive one (can't remember if its called platinum or fatality), where it uses more expensive DAC.

    Some say Xtreme Music has XRam (TM written on RAM chip), but how useful that is to a MediaPC is highly doudtful.

    Does anyone know any other technical difference between these cards? I mean in actual abilities, than difference is breakout box or connections.


    Portal Pro
    July 16, 2008
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    I'll drag up and old thread rather than start a new one...
    I have a Gigabyte Ga-p35c-DS3r MOBO which I use the onboard optical to output Dolby to an external processor, standard streams use the realtek soundchip on board.
    My amp is a Logitech THX certified which can handle three mini plugs in for the sound to by pass the decoder.

    I saw one of these Sound Blaster X-Fi Titanium | Maximum performance ... maximum immersion! which i though might be better to use for decoding than the speakers especially now I have blue ray.

    Any thoughts?

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